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noresm:modeldeffiles:aerocoma2noresm_r128 [2014-10-15 13:25:50]
alfk [Model-run description for the full set of AeroCom A2 simulations with CAM4-Oslo (NorESM1-M)]
noresm:modeldeffiles:aerocoma2noresm_r128 [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 **Projects:**               NorClim/EarthClim and AeroCom **Projects:**               NorClim/EarthClim and AeroCom
-**Publications:**           [[|Kirkevåg et al. (2013)]], [[|Myhre et al. (2013)]], [[|Samset et al. (2013)]], [[|Jiao et al. (2014)]], [[|Tsigaridis et al. (2014)]], [[| Samset et al. (2014)]] +**Publications:**           [[|Kirkevåg et al. (2013)]], [[|Myhre et al. (2013)]], [[|Samset et al. (2013)]], [[|Jiao et al. (2014)]], [[|Tsigaridis et al. (2014)]], [[|Samset et al. (2014)]] 
-**Papers in preparation:** Samset et al. (submitted), Huttunen et al. (in prep.), Kipling et al. (in prep.), Koffi et al. (in prep).+**Papers in preparation:** Kipling et al. (in prep.), Koffi et al. (in prep).
 **Simulation name(s):**      aerocomA2noresm_r128_X, where X = 2006 (AeroCom-A2.CTRL), 1850 (AeroCom-A2.PRE), ZERO (AeroCom-A2.ZERO), 2006preSO4, 2006preffBC, 2006preffOC and 2006prebbBCOC  **Simulation name(s):**      aerocomA2noresm_r128_X, where X = 2006 (AeroCom-A2.CTRL), 1850 (AeroCom-A2.PRE), ZERO (AeroCom-A2.ZERO), 2006preSO4, 2006preffBC, 2006preffOC and 2006prebbBCOC 
  • noresm/modeldeffiles/aerocoma2noresm_r128.1413379550.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:24
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