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fimex:start [2013-08-12 15:09:14]
fimex:start [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 ===== News ===== ===== News =====
-  2013-08-12 {{:fimex:fimex-0.47.tar.gz|fimex-0.47}} +Please see [[|NEWS]]. 
-    * adding vertical cross-section interpolation + 
-    exposing vertical-transformations +The following NEWS are not updated any more since May 2019: 
-    * (re-)adding SliceBuilder interface to NcML aggregation (reduce memory-consumption) +  2019-05-08 [[|fimex-1.0.0]] 
-      * was dropped in 0.45 +    * please see [[|NEWS]] 
-    * allow ncml to add values to unlimited dimensions +  2018-11-01 [[|fimex-0.67.0]] 
-    grib-reader allows time-unit change +    * please see [[|NEWS]] 
-    * documentation-improvements +  2018-02-07 [[|fimex-0.66.0]] 
-  * 2013-06-12 {{:fimex:fimex-0.46.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.46.1}} +    * please see [[|NEWS]] 
-    * warningnot failing with old grib-config files +  * 2017-10-25 [[|fimex-0.65.0]] 
-  * 2013-06-12 {{:fimex:fimex-0.46.tar.gz|fimex-0.46}} +    * please see [[|NEWS]] 
-    * grib-reading automatically adds unknown levels +  * 2017-09-05 [[|fimex-0.64.0]] 
-    * grib-reading by timeRangeIndicator +    * vertical transformation / interpolation supports ensemble dimensions 
-    * grib-reading allows adding of ensemble dimension (glameps) (Ede Vreede) +    * function to convert specific humidity to relative humidity 
-    * grib-reading using globs or regexp +    * support for oblique mercator and geostationary projections (contributed by SMHI) 
-    grib-reading read hybrid-values +    * cmake buildsupport for building with eccodes 
-    * configurable shuffling in netcdf4 (default on) +  * 2017-05-12 {{ :fimex:fimex-0.63.7.tar.gz |fimex-0.63.7}} [[|github]] 
-    * creepfillval to certain value instead of average +    * more bugfixes logging 
-    * fixing vector reprojection together with preprocessing +  2017-04-05 {{ :fimex:fimex-0.63.6.tar.gz |fimex-0.63.6}} [[|github]] 
-    * fixing threading bug in forward-interpolation +    * bugfix logging 
-   * 2013-05-20 {{:fimex:fimex-0.45.tar.gz|fimex-0.45}} +  * 2017-03-20 {{:fimex:fimex-0.63.5.tar.gz|fimex-0.63.5}} [[|github]] 
-    * adding ncml-aggregation, union and joinExisting +    * bugfix of bugfix in fortran interface 
-    * allow reading of other filetypes than netcdf in ncml +  * 2017-03-20 {{:fimex:fimex-0.63.4.tar.gz|fimex-0.63.4}} [[|github]] 
-    * auto-detection of vectors by CF standard_names +    * bugfix in fortran interface 
-    * vector-reprojection when selecting lat/lon-points +    * bugfixes elsewhere 
-    * improved vector-rotation algorithm +    * logging reorganization 
-    * lambert-projection for grib-writer +    * faster implementation of extractor 
-    * small improvements in example-input files  +  * 2016-11-25 {{:fimex:fimex-0.63.3.tar.gz|fimex-0.63.3}} [[|github]] 
-  * 2013-04-11  {{:fimex:fimex-0.44.2.tar.gz|fimex-0.44.2}} +    * ''fimex-0.63.3.tar.gz'' does not contain test/cdmGribWriterConfig_append.xml, please fetch this file from github 
-    * fix bug with netcdf-CDMReaderWriter and empty variables +    * new data type CDM_STRINGS corresponding to NetCDF NC_STRING 
-    * fix direction of vertical axes for pressure, sigma and sigma-hybrid in config-files +    * added grib2 codes to config 
-  * 2013-04-08  {{:fimex:fimex-0.44.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.44.1}} +    * grib output append 
-    * allow file-generation from pure ncml +  * 2016-09-27  {{:fimex:fimex-0.63.2.tar.gz|fimex-0.63.2}} [[|github]] 
-    * process.accumulate option to accumulate data along unlim (time)-dimension +    * bugfixes in CDMPressureConversions 
-    * automatically create chunks 1-10MB for compressed netcdf-files +    * bugfixes in CDMInterpolator / CDMVerticalInterpolator 
-  * 2013-03-25 {{:fimex:fimex-0.43.tar.gz|fimex-0.43}} +  2016-06-16  {{:fimex:fimex-0.63.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.63.1}} 
-    * new FillWriter, allowing netcdf-files to be filled slice by slice +    * no code changes 
-    * change longitude to be within -180/180 from grib-files +    * bugfixes for parallel build 
-    * enable creation of new variable in ncml +  * 2016-05-23  {{:fimex:fimex-0.63.tar.gz|fimex-0.63}} 
-    * enable logical variable-shape changes in ncml +    * bugfixes: 
-    * adding sync to CDMReaderWriter +      CDMInterpolator->getDataSlice(slicebuilder) 
-  * 2013-03-04 {{:fimex:fimex-0.42.tar.gz|fimex-0.42}} +      problems with get_var_longitude/latitude in c_fimex (api change
-    * add API for CDMReaderWriter +  * 2016-04-28 {{:fimex:fimex-0.62.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.62.1}} 
-    * implement read-writing to netcdf-files +    * performance improvements: 
-    finding example-configuration directory for xml-files as first-guess +      implement CDMInterpolator->getDataSlice(slicebuilder) 
-  * 2013-02-14 {{:fimex:fimex-0.41.2.tar.gz|fimex-0.41.2}} +      vectorize mifi_nanf2bad 
-    * fix for interpolation to values, if axes in km instead of m +  * 2016-04-19 {{:fimex:fimex-0.62.tar.gz|fimex-0.62}} 
-  * 2013-02-08 {{:fimex:fimex-0.41.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.41.1}} +    * new high-level fortran90 fimex2d API 
-    * default log-level changed back to WARN +    * supporting grib-files > 2GB on 32bit platforms 
-    remove sigma-levels for clouds and dummy levels in felt-files +    * enabling parallel grib reading when grib_api build with --enable-pthreads 
-    remove some openmp-flags for intel-compilers (segfault+    * parallelizing FillWriter/fillFile 
-  * 2012-12-17 {{:fimex:fimex-0.41.tar.gz|fimex-0.41 }} +    * lazy error-handling in FillWriter/fillFile, writing more data even when errors are found 
-    * R interface to fimex for reading fields +    * supporting WRF-output without Times-axis 
-    log4cpp support +  2016-02-15 
-    auxiliary variable support in extract.selectVariables +    * Repository changed to github: [[]] 
-  * 2012-11-27 {{:fimex:fimex-0.40.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.40.1}} +  * 2016-01-19 {{:fimex:fimex-0.61.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.61.1}} 
-    * read multiple grib-files +    * bugfix: extraction of unlimited dimension ignores all offsets 
-    * allow writing of latlon grib-files from north to south +  * 2015-12-21 {{:fimex:fimex-0.61.tar.gz|fimex-0.61}} 
-    * allow duplicated coordinates +    * improved merge options 
-    * remove duplicated coordinates for felt-files in latlon +      * both inputs fully configurable 
-    * allow different names for latlong (e.g. longlat) projections +      * outer variables may be kept even when no inner exist 
-    * remove long deprecated FeltCDMReader2.h +      * improved documentation with real world example 
-    * allow change of dimensions without variables in ncml +    * adding extract.pickDimension for striding 
-    allow variable name-change and attribute-change in one step in ncml +    * support for ensembles/realization axes 
-  * 2012-11-07 {{:fimex:fimex-0.40.tar.gz|fimex-0.40}} +    * improve performance of grib-reading with SliceBuilder 
-    * splitting of vertical axes in grib-files +      fix bug when reading grib-files with <ensemble no=“0” total=“220” /> 
-    * support for ensemble products in grib-files +      * no longer reading repeatedly level-data 
-  * 2012-10-30 {{:fimex:fimex-0.39.2.tar.gz|fimex-0.39.2}} +    * fiGrbmlCatFast merger of grbml-files, parallel grbml-file generation possible 
-    * vertical-interpolation invalidating data below ocean floor +    * packages with debug-symbols 
-    * vertical interpolation fixing axis (positive down) of depth  +    * avoid too small chunks in netcdf4 
-  2012-10-15 {{:fimex:fimex-0.39.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.39.1}} +    * micro-performance optimization (vectorization mostly for interpolation
-    * backport to boost-1.32 +  * 2015-10-26 {{:fimex:fimex-0.60.tar.gz|fimex-0.60}} 
-    * avoid problems with older gcc or icc when using constant class members +    * grib-indexing with explicit ensemble data and earth figure 
-    * improve performance of scaling (use nan-macro rather than function+    * using etmerc instead of tmerc for transverse mercator, with proj 4.8.0 
-  * 2012-09-08 {{:fimex:fimex-0.39.tar.gz|fimex-0.39}} +    * better check for simpleSpatial data 
-    * merging of grids with different resolution (ABürger) +    * fixing missing value handling for grib-precision scaling 
-    * allow quality-flags and land-masks from external sources (ABürger) +    * improve MPI-handling 
-    * successfully build on MacOS X/gcc +    * output.config for fillWriter, allowing special selection of slices 
-    * successfully tested with felt-archive files +    * ignore unused dimensions/coordinates inf fillWriter 
-  * 2012-08-11 {{:fimex:fimex-0.38.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.38.1}} +    * detecting axes mismatch for vector-reprojections 
-    * compatibility with boost filesystem V3 boost 1.50 +  * 2015-08-28 {{:fimex:fimex-0.59.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.59.1}} 
-    * adapting to gcc-4.6 Ubuntu 12.04 +    * fixing bug //sometimes no data when interpolating to many lat/lon points/
-  * 2012-07-19 {{:fimex:fimex-0.38.tar.gz|fimex-0.38}} +  * 2015-08-25 {{:fimex:fimex-0.59.tar.gz|fimex-0.59}} 
-    * 2x improved output-performance to netcdf3 files +    * **autoremoving unused dimensions when writing netcdf-files**((This change is not backward-compatible and might break commands used after fimex relying on all dimensions to be there. To regain the old behaviour, use a cdmWriterConfig.xml with autoRemoveUnusedDimension="false", e.g. --output.config={{:fimex:cdmWriterConfig.xml.gz|cdmWriterConfig.xml}} or see 
-    * support for ocean_s_coordinate_g1 and *_g2 +    * require '-c fimex.cfg' to read fimex.cfg files 
-    * adding IndexedData for convenience +    * avoid double points on cross-sections corners 
-    * introducing DataPtr typedef instead of boost::shared_ptr<Data> +    * precision-scaling on grib-data to float-format uses rounding at 1/scale_factor instead of adding scale_factor/add_offset 
-    * adding script to simplify configuration +    * allow pressure and air_pressure as standard_name 
-  2012-07-05 {{:fimex:fimex-0.37.4.tar.gz|fimex-0.37.4}} +    * use subsetting of input data when interpolating to lon-lat points 
-    * fixing netcdf-files with 0-terminated strings +      * giving about 20x faster response on cached local data 
-    * felt: using undefined-values for undefined levels +      * reducing data-transmission to <0.1% on opendap sources 
-    * build on Ubuntu 12.04 +    * enabling extractor to propagate subsetting 
-  * 2012-05-09 {{:fimex:fimex-0.37.3.tar.gz|fimex-0.37.3}} +    adding FIMEX_CHUNK_CACHE_SLOTS env-variable for better cache-control 
-    * enabling build with nc-config and netcdf-4.1.2 to 4.2 without hdf5 +  * 2015-05-11 {{:fimex:fimex-0.58.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.58.1}} 
-    * enabling build with proj-4.8 +    * fixing problems with metgm-files 
-    * adding latlon projection in gribwriter +    * fix bug when changing both scaling and varName in NcML 
-    * fixing bug in gribreader with special options +    * avoid fetching multiple levels in fiXYcontents 
-    * enabling name and standard_name selection of variables in grib_writer +  * 2015-04-23 {{:fimex:fimex-0.58.tar.gz|fimex-0.58}} 
-    * fixing WRF earth radius +    * adding fiXYcontents script, listing content as horizontal 2d-fields 
-  * 2012-04-11 {{:fimex:fimex-0.37.2.tar.gz|fimex-0.37.2}} +    * new vertical interpolation methods (different extrapolations) 
-    * using towgs84 parameter of CF-1.7-proposal +      * linear_const_extra, linear_weak_extra, linear_no_extra 
-    * setting felt earth-figure to simple earth +    * using linear_weak_extra for time-interpolation (only timestep extrapolation) 
-    * allow overruling of felt-earth-figure in config +    * adding FIMEX_CHUNK_CACHE_SIZE to remove chunk-cache in constraint environments (e.g. webservers) 
-  * 2012-03-29 {{:fimex:fimex-0.37.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.37.1}} +    * increase precision of units-conversion (<1e-14) 
-    * preliminary WRF convention support +    * fix debian-packages for fortran-dev 
-  * 2012-03-27 {{:fimex:fimex-0.37.tar.gz|fimex-0.37}} +    * grib: fix stepUnits when different from h 
-    * fix colon-separated variable-indicators for felt +    * grib: handling clusters as ensembles 
-    * fix axes in vector-interpolation (deg2rad+    * changing loop-order when writing netcdf (time,variable) to avoid performance problems with filesystems with large blocksize (lustre) 
-    * disabling colon delimiter in wdb-sourcestrings +  * 2015-02-27 {{:fimex:fimex-0.57.tar.gz|fimex-0.57}} 
-    * performance-improvements/memory reduction in NcmlCDMReader +    * convert pressure to altitude using hypsometric formula 
-    * adding de-accumulation processor +    * compressed grbml.gz files with fiIndexGribs 
-    * synchronize default fill-value with netcdf +    * fix limited resolution problems with grib1 files (dx-min = 0.001degree) 
-    * fine-tuning usage of surface-variables from felt +    * configurable chunkSize of NetCDF4 output 
-    * allowing to force earth-figure in grib-files +    * bugfix in RFimex-0.05: closing filehandles in gc() 
-    * template interpolation supports several coordinate systems +    * bugfix in interpolator: interpolation to singularities (poles) results now in undefined values 
-    * adding alpha-version of vector to latlon rotation +  * 2015-01-20 {{:fimex:fimex-0.56.tar.gz|fimex-0.56}} 
-  * 2012-03-02 {{:fimex:fimex-0.36.tar.gz|fimex-0.36}} +    * making getDataSlice calls fork-safe 
-    * interpolation to simple list of lat/lon values (e.g. multiple profiles) +    * adding example on how to efficiently parallelize multi-field reading with fork 
-    * avoid numerical effect in linear interpolation +    * possibility to parallelize fimex with MPI and MPI-IO 
-    * fix race-condition in timeInterpolator +    * adding forward_undef_* interpolations, i.e. forward_* interpolation with different interpretation of undefined values 
-    * fix axes of lambert felt-files +    * improving performance by a factor 8 when reading large grbml files 
-    * update of examples +    * avoid segfault when grbml points to non-existing grb-file 
-  * 2012-02-20 {{:fimex:fimex-0.35.2.tar.gz|fimex-0.35.2}} +    * fix height/altitude conversion (gave no results before) 
-    * allow to read ASIMOF-grib files +  * 2014-12-16 {{:fimex:fimex-0.55.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.55.1}} 
-    * allow writing grib-data without time +    * fix correction of earthfigure for grb-files 
-    * fix forward/coordinate interpolation bug from latlon-projection +  * 2014-12-11 {{:fimex:fimex-0.55.tar.gz|fimex-0.55}} 
-  2012-02-14 Fimex Workshop at +    * creation of one grib-index file for many grib-files 
-    * {{:fimex:fimexintroduction.pdf|Fimex Introduction by Heiko Klein}} +    * new filetype grbml (grib-index file) as reader 
-    * {{:fimex:sms-fimex.pdf|Fimex used in Production (SMS), (norwegian) by Arild Burud}} +    * translation of grib-messages to netcdf-variables without time-axes possible 
-    * [[|Diana and Fimex, (norwegianby Lisbeth Bergholt]] +    * read grib-asimov (hirlamheader 
-    * [[|Internal ( translation table between felt parameters and CF standard_names]] +    * interpolation with forward_* method now possible if only projection, but not coordinates present 
-  * 2012-02-07 {{:fimex:fimex-0.35.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.35.1}} +    * fix relative interpolation axis for lat-lon input 
-    * enable reading of felt-files in lambert-projection +    * height above ground and height above mean-sea level now clearly distinct, use 'height' for above ground, and altitude for height above msl 
-    * improving performance: vectorization of vector-interpolation +    * post-processor for interpolation, e.g. for extrapolation similar to pre-processor 
-    * deprecating IOCDMReader in favour of CDMReaderFactory +    * process: addVerticalVelocity, calculated from continuity equation for hydrostatic models 
-  * 2012-01-04 {{:fimex:fimex-0.35.tar.gz|fimex-0.35}} +    * fixing standard_name of cloud-water 
-    * grib-reader +    * glob: notation to join several netcdf-files along the unlimited dimension 
-      supporting several types of levels for same parameter +    * fix vertical levels for grib 'extraHalvLevels' (+1 onffest) 
-      * supporting several horizontal CS for different parameters +    * monotonous longitude axis, even when outside -180:180 
-    * grib-writer +    * fix geographical extraction when multiple coordinate-systems exist in one file 
-      * fixing date-settings +    * improvements in error messages, filenames on missing/wrong files, ticks around wrong units/variables 
-      * using second-order packing if possible +  * 2014-10-07 {{:fimex:fimex-0.54.tar.gz|fimex-0.54}} 
-    * interpolation +    * fix grib-missing-long on 64bit platforms for asimov-files 
-      * support for several horizontal CS (e.g. staggered grids+    * more tests on vector-rotation, using defaults around singularities 
-      * using nanoflann instead of kdtree++, 4*speedup +    * fix name of atmosphere_sigma_coordinate 
-      supporting degree-based projections in coord_kdtree +    * allow record-dimensions to switch to normal dimensions and vv in NcML 
-      configurable radius for coord_kdtree +    * avoid crashes when data missing 
-      improved index-access1.1*speedup +  * 2014-08-26 {{:fimex:fimex-0.53.2.tar.gz|fimex-0.53.2}} 
-      bilinearbetter border handling, 1.3*speedup +    * ncml-fixes: allow record-dims to change to normal dimensions 
-      * vertical: support for depth +    * interpolator: avoid crash when no data 
-    * using WGS84 coordinates of latitude/longitude instead of spherical +  * 2014-07-07 {{:fimex:fimex-0.53.1.tar.gz|fimex-0.53.1}} 
-    * extract-reduceToBoundigBox supporting bb around -180 +    * many tests for vector-rotation 
-    * parallelization +    * fix bug for flipping vector with some special projections 
-      nn, bilinear, cubic and vector interpolation +    remove some llvm-warnings 
-      * make get*Data* operations thread-safe +    * allow scalar felt-axes 
-      make (Time-)Units thread-safe +  * 2014-06-24 {{:fimex:fimex-0.53.tar.gz|fimex-0.53}} 
-      parallelization of NetCDF-writer and NullCDMWriter +    * improved accuracy of vector-rotation to latlon 
-      upgrade to libtool 2.4.2 (including openmp support) +      * Pure north wind, rotated to lcc and back to latlon, scale up to -20% (brightviolet) / 20% (brightred) distortion {{:fimex:fimexold.x_wind.png?256|Old fimex}} fimex<=0.52 -> fimex-0.53 {{ :fimex:fimex0.53.x_wnd.png?256|fimex-0.53}} 
-      adding ThreadPool.h for runtime configuration of threads +    * updating build to multi-arch environments (ubuntu 14.04, debian 7
-    * forcing boost-filesystem api to be compatible with newer boost-versions +    * extraKey-selection of grib-files 
-    * remove isinf - not part of C++03+    * allow absolute/relative GRIB_INDEX_PATH 
 +    * use packingType from gribWriterConfig.xml 
 +    * fix extract.reduceTime for several time-axes 
 +    * avoid uninitialized ptr in fortran icc 
 +    * fix cross-sections with more than 2 points 
 +  * 2014-05-13 {{:fimex:fimex-0.52.tar.gz|fimex-0.52}} 
 +    * join several levelNo in grib-files 
 +    * rotation of directions (angles) 
 +    * performance improvements of process.accumulate 
 +    * fixes when reading prorad 
 +    * performance and accuracy-improvements in interpolation 
 +    * circular handling of longitude-axes in interpolation 
 +    * fixing interpolation exceptions when coordinates axes are not correctly defined 
 +  * 2014-02-11 {{:fimex:fimex-0.51.tar.gz|fimex-0.51}} 
 +    * adding support for Prorad xml-files 
 +    avoiding singularities in interpolation 
 +    * adding variable_type and dimension_size in Fortran 
 +    * improving WRF-convention support (rot lat/lon, auxiliary axes
 +    * using CF after horizontal transformation of WRF-files 
 +    bugfixes in merge (still in beta) 
 +    fixing grib-reader for mercator-files 
 +    adding qualityExtract2 command-line optionconvenient for land-masking after interpolation 
 +  2013-12-16 {{:fimex:fimex-0.50.tar.gz|fimex-0.50}} 
 +    * extending f90-interface, including --enable-fortran target 
 +    * extending c-interface 
 +    * slightly improving parallelization 
 +    fix setting of netcdf-compression per variable 
 +    improve scanning of grib-files 
 +    re-implement merging of files to allow for new target-grid 
 +    improve reading of WRF-files; better coordinate-support and vector-detection 
 +    fix latlon-interpolation with staggered grids 
 +    add support for logarithmic units 
 +    * fix mercator-axes from grib-files
 Older news can be found in the [[archive]]. Older news can be found in the [[archive]].
  • fimex/start.1376320154.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:16
  • (external edit)