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fimex:faq [2016-08-26 08:58:15]
heikok [How to use fimex as opendap-client?]
fimex:faq [2024-07-03 07:11:55] (current)
alexanderb opendap auth on jammy
Line 172: Line 172:
 ==== Authentication ==== ==== Authentication ====
-Authentication to opendap servers need to be configured by setup files. Generallyauthentication is described in theoryit should be possible to specify username and password 
 +  - in ''$HOME/.dodsrc'' and ''$HOME/.netrc'' (see below for an example) 
 +  - as part of the URL for example ''''
-=== Example === +Example ''$HOME/.netrc''
- +<code> 
-Authentication to the NASA data available to earthdata users , i.e. GPM datasets
- +
-  * Register a user, get a password and enable the needed application on the earthdata web-pages. Follow the instructions on their pages. +
-  * Make sure you can access the desired data from your browser, e.g. by selecting a small opendap-ASCII dataset. +
-  * Put the username/password in a file named ''.netrc'', e.g. +
-    * ''vi $HOME/.netrc'' <code>machine
     login XXXX     login XXXX
-    password YYYY</code> (Change XXXX with your username and YYYY with your password) +    password YYYY 
-    * make sure the file is only readable by you <code>chmod 600 $HOME/.netrc</code> +</code>
-  * allow fimex/ncdump/opendap-clients to use this .netrc and to store cookies +
-    * ''vi $HOME/.dodsrc'' <code>HTTP.COOKIEJAR=/home/heikok/.cookies +
-HTTP.NETRC=/home/heikok/.netrc</code> (Change /home/heikok with your home directory.) +
-  * test with an inventory of a opendap file <code>ncdump -h</code> As you can see here, the data-server is gpm1.gesdisc... while the authentication server is urs.earthdata - this is very confusing but the way it is often implemented. If you don't know the authentication-servers address, you might need to ask the data-provider. +
-  * test with fimex <code>fimex --input.file= --input.type=netcdf --input.printNcML</code> +
- +
 +Example ''$HOME/.dodsrc'' (replace ''YOURHOME'' with the value og ''$HOME''):
-===== Why takes linking with ''g++ -g''  ages? =====+HTTP.CREDENTIALS.USERNAME=XXXX 
-This happens with older versions of gcc, seen with 3.3 on debian sarge.+HTTP.USERNAME=XXXX 
-Use ''-gstabs'' or ''-ggdb'' instead of ''-g''. For debuggingthis is better suited to c++ code and works with the GNU utils and most other debuggertoo(But unfortunately  not with /valgrind/.+Unfortunately, this does not always seem to work as expected. 
 +Known status of OpenDAP authentication support (applies to ''fimex'' and ''ncdump''): 
 +  * Specifying the password in the URL does not seem to work when the password contains a ''/'', at least for Ubuntu 18.04. 
 +  * For Ubuntu 16.04 (xenialEOL), both URL and netrc seem to work. 
 +  * For Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic), username and password cannot be read from netrc, but can be specified in the URL. 
 +  * For Ubuntu 20.04 (focal), username and password can only be read from netrcbut cannot be specified in the URL. 
 +  * For Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy), the only solution known to us is to add a ''.dodsrc'' file in the working directory of the fimex/ncdump process
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  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:15
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