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Participants: DS,ST,BMS,MG,HF,PW

Implement Pollen in the EMEP model.

From MACC.

Model description: Sofiev.

schematic structure.

-use emep birch map (David)

-implement other pollen types

The Pollen module has been implemented to the emep model.

-The heatsum is now calculated every meteorological timestep (3 hrs).

-The birch fraction has been reduced over 60 degrees north, the same way forest is reduced in land use (lat_fac). However seems that the new numbers are a bit to low, especially at Trondheim av Bodø.

Measured 2008: Observed org. forest (reported)
site start date sum pollen gr. start date sum pollen gr.
Stavanger 23 Apr. 358 6 Apr. 511
Oslo 23 Apr. 1989 20 Apr. 5594
Ringebu 25 Apr. 1476 24 Apr. 5230
Trondheim 26 Apr. 4215 23 Apr. 2496
Bodø 29 Apr. 878 29 Apr. 8716
forest red. by corr + forest red. by lat_fac
site start date sum pollen gr. start date sum pollen gr.
Stavanger 6 Apr. 560 6 Apr. 447
Oslo 23 Apr. 5715 20 Apr. 5427
Ringebu 25 Apr. 5349 24 Apr. 1180
Trondheim 26 Apr. 2550 23 Apr. 494
Bodø 29 Apr. 3724 29 Apr. 75

compared pollen 9 mai 6 UTC modelled and satellite

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  • emep/page1/pollen.1328882252.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:15
  • (external edit)