
This is an old revision of the document!

EMEP publications

Primarily for ACP special issue (http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/special_issue152.html)

  • Any?
  • Involved in many publications as co-author (no first-author publication planned)
  • Effects of meteorology on model performance in 2006 (with Anna)
  • Setting up SR calculations in forecast mode (related to MACC)
  • AEROKVAL (with Michael Kahnert)
  • Involved in many publications as co-author (no first-author publication planned)
  • EMEP model - documentation paper (many co-authors!)

+ would be great with a general evaluation paper - overview of model performance. (We could have Part I and Part II as with the 2003 report)

  • Hopefully realistic:
    • Chemistry updates (Bergtsröm, Hayman, Jenkin, Richter, Simpson)
    • Evaluation of micro-met (Simpson, Tuovinen, Flechard,..)
    • Modelling organic aerosol - vs EUCAARI (Bergström, Simpson, + obs people)
  • Involved as co-author in at least one publication (no first-author publication planned)
  • Improvement of model performance by increasing the resolution ('improvement of scales')
  • To be announced
  • To be announced
  • Results from TRANSPHORM: hybrid/electric cars, power plants, location of population (largest effects per kg emitted?)
  • One paper similar to Reidmiller et al., but with focus on Europe (click here for an outline!)
  • Importance of meteorological drivers for SR calculations (but slow horse)
  • Co-authoring many papers (any first-author publication planned?)
  • Paper on trends, based on results from ca. 2×10^3 model runs (with Øystein Hov)
  • OSPAR (first author is Jurek)
  • Bartnicki et al.
  • Paper about sea salt in the EMEP model: first draft available (will be finished in Feb 2010)
  • Pollution transport to the Arctic (with Hilde and Michael)
  • Intensive measurement campaigns (first author is Wenche Aas)
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  • emep/emep_publications.1267085921.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:14
  • (external edit)