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Meteorological input files

Currently all meteorological input files are available on stallo. The input files are processed from different NWP models: Parlam-PS (old Hirlam version), Hirlam20 (Hirlam version 7.1.3), IFS, Hirham (Hirlam version) and are available on NetCDF format.

The EMEP-H20 dataset is made of Hirlam version 7.1.3 runs on extended EMEP area covering EECCA countries (370×380 gridboxes). A EMEP-H10 dataset is also made of Hirlam version 7.1.3 on a reduced EMEP area (covering central Europe)(500×500 gridboxes) only for 2006! Rotated spherical coordinates (0.2×0.2^o~20x20km²) interpolated to polarstereographic coordinates (50x50km² or 25x25km²).

Basic parameters 2D:

Parameter Name Unit Validity Comment
surface_pressure Pa Inst
PS Pa Inst Same as above!
temperature_2m K Inst
surface_flux_sensible_heat J/m² Accum
surface_flux_latent_heat J/m² Accum
surface_stress Pa s Accum
snow_depth m Inst
sea_surface_temperature K Inst
fraction_of_ice % Inst

Extra parameters 2D: (possible to retrieve for all 50/25 km years!)

Parameter Name Unit Validity Comment
relative_humidity_2m % Inst
u10 m/s Inst
v10 m/s Inst

Basic parameters 3D:

Parameter Name Unit Validity Comment
u_wind m/s Inst staggered
v_wind m/s Inst staggered
specific_humidity [0,100] Inst
potential_temperature K Inst
sigma_dot 1/s Inst
cloudwater kg/kg Inst
precipitation mm Accum
3D_cloudcover % Inst

Extra parameters 3D: (not possible to retrieve for other years!)

Parameter Name Unit Validity Comment
convective_updraft_flux kg/m²s Accum
convective_updraft_detrainment m/s Inst
convective_downdraft_flux kg/m²s Accum
convective_downdraft_detrainment m/s Inst
convective_3D_precipitation mm Accum
eddy_diffusion_coefficient m²/s Inst

132×159 gridsquares


2006/ : Basic parameters

2006_conv/ : Basic parameters + Extra parameters: u10, v10, relative_humidity_2m, convective_up/downdraft_flux/detrainment

2007/ : Basic parameters

2008/ : Basic parameters + Extra parameters: u10, v10, relative_humidity_2m, convective_up/downdraft_flux/detrainment, convective_3D_precipitation, eddy_diffusion_coefficient

264×318 gridsquares


2006/ : Basic parameters

2007/ : Basic parameters

560×480 gridsquares


2006/ : less than Basic parameters!

IFS is the current NWP model running operationally at ECMWF. The global fields are described on lon lat coordinates. 2006 is received from UiO, but 2008 has been run on ECMWF recently.

Parameters 2D:

Parameter Name Unit Validity Comment
surface_pressure Pa Inst
temperature_2m K Inst
surface_flux_sensible_heat W/m² Inst
surface_flux_latent_heat W/m² Inst
surface_stress Pa s Inst

Parameters 3D:

Parameter Name Unit Validity Comment
u_wind m/s Inst staggered
v_wind m/s Inst staggered
specific_humidity kg/kg Inst
potential_temperature K Inst
sigma_dot 1/s Inst
precipitation mm Accum
convective_precipitation mm Accum
3D_cloudcover % Inst
cloud_liquid_water_content kg/kg Inst
convective_updraft_flux kg/m²s Accum
convective_updraft_detrainment m/s Accum
convective_downdraft_flux kg/m²s Accum
convective_downdraft_detrainment m/s Accum


The EMEP-PPS is a special version of the HIRLAM-3 created in 2000 covering the past EMEP grid (170×133) on a polarsterographic projection. These meteorological input files are both available on a special felt-format specially created as Unified EMEP model input, but has been also converted to NetCDF format (can run Unimod with both input formats).

Felt format is available from:


for the following years: 1990, 1995-2006 (+200701)

The following is describing the files on NetCDF format.

Parameters 2D:

Parameter Name Unit Validity Comment
surface_pressure Pa Inst
temperature_2m K Inst
relative_humidity_2m % Inst
surface_flux_sensible_heat W/m² Inst
surface_flux_latent_heat W/m² Inst
surface_stress Pa s Inst
snow_depth m Inst
soil_water_content m Inst
deep_soil_water_content m Inst
sea_surface_temperature K Inst
fraction_of_ice % Inst

Parameters 3D:

Parameter Name Unit Validity Comment
u_wind m/s Inst staggered
v_wind m/s Inst staggered
specific_humidity kg/kg Inst
potential_temperature K Inst
sigma_dot 1/s Inst
precipitation mm Accum
3D_cloudcover % Inst

170×133 gridsquares


for the following years: 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995-2006

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  • emep/emep_met_files.1264607032.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:14
  • (external edit)