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emep:emep_met_files [2010-06-14 17:38:09]
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-====== Meteorological input files ====== 
-Currently all meteorological input files are available on stallo. The input files are processed from different NWP models: Parlam-PS (old Hirlam version), Hirlam20 (Hirlam version 7.1.3), IFS (29r2 and 32r1), Hirham (Hirlam version) and are available on NetCDF format.  
-Meteorological dataset available for which years: 
-^ Year ^ Parlam-PS ^ Hirlam20 ^ IFS 29r2 ^ IFS 32r1 ^ Hirham  ^ 
-|1980 |  x  |  |  |  |  x  | 
-|1985 |  x  |  |  |  |  x  | 
-|1990 |  x  |  |  |  |  x  | 
-|1995-2005 |  x  |  |  |  |  x  | 
-|2006 |  x  |  x  |  x  |      x  | 
-|2007 |  x  |  x  |          x  | 
-|2008 |  x  |  x  |      x  |  x  | 
-===== Hirlam ===== 
-The EMEP-H20 dataset is made of Hirlam version 7.1.3 runs on extended EMEP area covering EECCA countries (370x380 gridboxes) with rotated spherical coordinates (0.2^o×0.2^o~20x20km²) on 40 eta levels interpolated to polarstereographic coordinates (50x50km² or 25x25km²) on 20 vertical sigma levels. A EMEP-H10 dataset (only for 2006!) is also made of Hirlam version 7.1.3 on a reduced EMEP area (covering central Europe)(500x500 gridboxes) with rotated spherical coordinates (0.1^ox0.1^o~10x10km²) on 40 eta levels interpolated to polarstereographic coordinates (10x10km²) on 20 vertical sigma levels.  
-Basic parameters 2D: 
-^ Parameter Name ^ Unit ^ Validity  ^ Comment ^ 
-| surface_pressure | Pa | Inst | | 
-| PS | Pa | Inst | Same as above!| 
-| temperature_2m | K | Inst | | 
-| surface_flux_sensible_heat | J/m² | Aver | | 
-| surface_flux_latent_heat | J/m² | Aver | | 
-| surface_stress | Pa s | Aver | | 
-| snow_depth | m | Inst | | 
-| sea_surface_temperature | K | Inst | | 
-| fraction_of_ice | % | Inst | | 
-Extra parameters 2D: (possible to retrieve for all 50/25 km years!) 
-^ Parameter Name ^ Unit ^ Validity  ^ Comment ^ 
-| relative_humidity_2m | % | Inst | | 
-| u10 | m/s | Inst | | 
-| v10 | m/s | Inst | | 
-Basic parameters 3D: 
-^ Parameter Name ^ Unit ^ Validity  ^ Comment ^ 
-| u_wind | m/s | Inst | staggered | 
-| v_wind | m/s | Inst | staggered | 
-| specific_humidity | [0,100] | Inst | | 
-| potential_temperature | K | Inst | | 
-| sigma_dot | 1/s | Inst | | 
-| cloudwater | kg/kg | Inst | | 
-| precipitation | mm | Aver | | 
-| 3D_cloudcover | % | Inst | | 
-Extra parameters 3D: (not possible to retrieve for other years!) 
-^ Parameter Name ^ Unit ^ Validity  ^ Comment ^ 
-| convective_updraft_flux | kg/m²s | Aver | 2006 and 2008 | 
-| convective_updraft_detrainment | m/s | Inst | 2006 and 2008 | 
-| convective_downdraft_flux | kg/m²s | Aver | 2006 and 2008 | 
-| convective_downdraft_detrainment | m/s | Inst | 2006 and 2008 | 
-| convective_3D_precipitation | mm | Aver | only 2008 | 
-| eddy_diffusion_coefficient | m²/s | Inst | only 2008 | 
-==== EECCA 50 ==== 
-132x159 gridsquares 
-<code bash> 
-  * 2006/ : Basic parameters 
-  * 2006_conv/ : Basic parameters + Extra parameters: u10, v10, relative_humidity_2m, convective_up/downdraft_flux/detrainment 
-  * 2007/ : Basic parameters 
-  * 2008/ : Basic parameters + Extra parameters: u10, v10, relative_humidity_2m, convective_up/downdraft_flux/detrainment, convective_3D_precipitation, eddy_diffusion_coefficient 
-==== EECCA 25 ==== 
-264x318 gridsquares 
-<code bash> 
-  * 2006/ : Basic parameters 
-  * 2007/ : Basic parameters 
-==== EECCA 10 ==== 
-560x480 gridsquares 
-<code bash> 
-  * 2006/ : less than Basic parameters! 
-===== IFS 29r2 ===== 
-IFS is the current NWP model running operationally at the ECMWF. The global fields are described on lon lat coordinates with 60/91 vertical eta levels.  
-2006 is run by UiO with IFS Cycle 29r2 run on T319 (0.5625^o~50km).  
-The Unified EMEP model can run on lon lat, but for comparison studies some dataset has been created for the EECCA area by interpolating to polarstereographic projection (50x50km²,20 sigma levels). 
-Parameters 2D: 
-^ Parameter Name ^ Unit ^ Validity  ^ Comment ^ 
-| surface_pressure | Pa | Inst | | 
-| temperature_2m | K | Inst | | 
-| surface_flux_sensible_heat | W/m² | Aver | | 
-| surface_flux_latent_heat | W/m² | Aver | | 
-| surface_stress | Pa s | Aver | | 
-Parameters 3D: 
-^ Parameter Name ^ Unit ^ Validity  ^ Comment ^ 
-| u_wind | m/s | Inst | staggered | 
-| v_wind | m/s | Inst | staggered | 
-| specific_humidity | kg/kg | Inst | | 
-| potential_temperature | K | Inst | | 
-| sigma_dot | 1/s | Inst | | 
-| precipitation | mm | Aver | | 
-| convective_precipitation | mm | Aver | only in GLOBAL dataset!| 
-| 3D_cloudcover | % | Inst | | 
-| cloud_liquid_water_content | kg/kg | Inst | only in GLOBAL dataset! | 
-| convective_updraft_flux | kg/m²s | Aver | only in GLOBAL dataset! | 
-| convective_updraft_detrainment | m/s | Inst | only in GLOBAL dataset! | 
-| convective_downdraft_flux | kg/m²s | Aver | only in GLOBAL dataset! | 
-| convective_downdraft_detrainment | m/s | Inst | only in GLOBAL dataset! | 
-==== GLOBAL ==== 
-<code bash> 
-  * 2006/ 
-==== EECCA 50 ==== 
-132x159 gridsquares 
-<code bash> 
-  * 2006/ 
-===== IFS 36r1 ===== 
-IFS is the current NWP model running operationally at the ECMWF. The global fields are described on lon lat coordinates with 60/91 vertical eta levels.  
-2008 has been run with IFS Cycle 36r1 on T799 (0.225^o~25km) taking out the levels 24 to 60 (87hPa-1013hPa). 
-==== EECCA 50 ==== 
-132x159 gridsquares 
-<code bash> 
-  * 2008/ 
-===== Hirham ===== 
-===== Parlam-PS ===== 
-The EMEP-PPS is a special version of the HIRLAM-3 created in 2000 covering the past EMEP grid (170x133) on a polarsterographic projection. These meteorological input files are both available on a special felt-format specially created as Unified EMEP model input, but has been also converted to NetCDF format (can run Unimod with both input formats). 
-Felt format is available from: 
-<code bash> 
-for the following years: 1990, 1995-2006 (+200701) 
-The following is describing the files on NetCDF format.  
-Parameters 2D: 
-^ Parameter Name ^ Unit ^ Validity  ^ Comment ^ 
-| surface_pressure | Pa | Inst | | 
-| temperature_2m | K | Inst | | 
-| relative_humidity_2m | % | Inst | | 
-| surface_flux_sensible_heat | W/m² | Inst | | 
-| surface_flux_latent_heat | W/m² | Inst | | 
-| surface_stress | Pa s | Inst | | 
-| snow_depth | m | Inst | | 
-| soil_water_content | m | Inst | first 7.2 cm | 
-| deep_soil_water_content | m | Inst | following 43.2 cm| 
-| sea_surface_temperature | K | Inst | | 
-| fraction_of_ice | % | Inst | | 
-Parameters 3D: 
-^ Parameter Name ^ Unit ^ Validity  ^ Comment ^ 
-| u_wind | m/s | Inst | staggered | 
-| v_wind | m/s | Inst | staggered | 
-| specific_humidity | kg/kg | Inst | | 
-| potential_temperature | K | Inst | | 
-| sigma_dot | 1/s | Inst | | 
-| precipitation | mm | Aver | | 
-| 3D_cloudcover | % | Inst | | 
-==== EMEP ==== 
-170x133 gridsquares 
-<code bash> 
-  * 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995-2006 
  • emep/emep_met_files.1276537089.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:14
  • (external edit)