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emep:emep-experts:tfmmeurodeltacarb [2020-02-28 12:37:30]
augustin.colette@ineris.fr [Time line]
emep:emep-experts:tfmmeurodeltacarb [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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   * EMEP/MSC-W: Hilde Fagerli, David Simpson, Svetlana Tsyro (Met Norway MSC-W, NO)     * EMEP/MSC-W: Hilde Fagerli, David Simpson, Svetlana Tsyro (Met Norway MSC-W, NO)  
   * EMEP/MSC-E: Alexey Gusev (MSC-East, RU)   * EMEP/MSC-E: Alexey Gusev (MSC-East, RU)
-  * CHIMERE: Augustin Colette,  Frédérik Meleux (INERIS, FR), Marta Garcia Vivanco (CIEMAT, ES)+  * CHIMERE: Augustin Colette,  Frédérik Meleux (INERIS, FR), Marta Garcia Vivanco (CIEMAT, ES), Bertrand Bessagnet (LMD, FR)
   * DEHM: Camilla Geels, Lise Frohn (Aarhus, DK)   * DEHM: Camilla Geels, Lise Frohn (Aarhus, DK)
   * GEM-AQ: Joanna Strużewska (IEP, PL)   * GEM-AQ: Joanna Strużewska (IEP, PL)
   * Lotos-Euros: Renske Timmermans (TNO, NL), John Ntouros (KNMI, NL)   * Lotos-Euros: Renske Timmermans (TNO, NL), John Ntouros (KNMI, NL)
-  * MATCH: Camilla Andersson, Ana Carvalho (SMHI, SE) +  * MATCH: Camilla Andersson, Ana Carvalho, Lennart Robertson (SMHI, SE) 
-  * MINNI: Mihaela Mircea (ENEA, IT)+  * MINNI: Mihaela Mircea, Mario Adani (ENEA, IT)
   * MOCAGE: Joaquim Arteta (Meteo-France, FR)    * MOCAGE: Joaquim Arteta (Meteo-France, FR) 
   * MONARCH: Oriol Jorbal (BCS, ES)   * MONARCH: Oriol Jorbal (BCS, ES)
 +  * SILAM: Rostislav Kouznetsov (FMI, FI)
   * WRF-CHEM: Aura Lupascu (IASS, DE)   * WRF-CHEM: Aura Lupascu (IASS, DE)
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 Surface only Surface only
-CAMS grib (for CAMS models) or netcdf: 1 file per species (whole period)+  * CAMS grib (for CAMS models) or netcdf: 1 file per species (whole period) 
 +  * Units: kg/m3 for the grib files, µg/m3 for the netcdf files (gas/particualte species) 
 +  * Hourly 
 Species: (grib codes in brackets for models using grib format, when available) Species: (grib codes in brackets for models using grib format, when available)
-  * PM10 (40008), PM2.5 (40009), PM1, NO2 (5), O3 (0),  +  * Please deliver as many species as possible, the priority is on PM10, PM2.5, ECff_2.5, ECwb_2.5. We note that PM1 is not available in emissions, and therefore in many models 
-  * PM Species in PM2.5 fraction: ECff_2.5 (62097), ECwb_2.5 (62098), POA_25 (62011), SOA_25 (62012), NO3_25 (13), NH4_25 (10), SO4_25 (22), OPPM_25 (any other primary PM) +  * PM10 (40008), PM2.5 (40009), PM1 (62078), NO2 (5), O3 (0),  
-  * PM Species in PM1 fraction: ECff_1, ECwb_1, POA_1, SOA_1, NO3_1, NH4_1, SO4_1, OPPM_1 +  * PM Species in PM2.5 fraction: ECff_25 (62097), ECwb_25 (62098), POA_25 (62011), SOA_25 (62012), NO3_25 (13), NH4_25 (10), SO4_25 (22), OPPM_25 (any other primary PM, 62094
-  * PM Species in PM10 fraction: ECff_10, ECwb_10, POA_10, SOA_10, NO3_10, NH4_10, SO4_10, OPPM_10+  * PM Species in PM1 fraction: ECff_1 (62089), ECwb_1 (62091), POA_1 (62087), SOA_1 (62085), NO3_1 (62079), NH4_1 (62081), SO4_1 (62083), OPPM_1 (62093) 
 +  * PM Species in PM10 fraction: ECff_10 (62090), ECwb_10 (62092), POA_10 (62088), SOA_10 (62086), NO3_10 (62080), NH4_10 (62082), SO4_10 (62084), OPPM_10 (62095)
 ===== Time line ===== ===== Time line =====
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  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:15
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