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MSC-W Action Groups

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Aerosol modelling group meeting December 9, 2010

Participated: MS, ØS, ST

The main aim of the first (kick-off and brain storming) meeting on aerosol modelling was to initiate a discussion within AP&CM section on necessary/desirable updates and further developments as regards aerosol relevant processes. There was not a strict agenda, but rather a free-flowing discussion.

ST suggested the following quite general issues for the discussion: * specific purposes/interests as regards aerosol modelling (AQ, RF,…..); * importance (purpose specific?) of various aerosol processes and sources * what are presently the weakest elements in modelling of aerosol relevant processes (in NorESM and EMEP models and based on the experience from AEROCOM exercises); * what are the most “urgent” processes/sources to implement/ update in the models; * what parameterisations/models or data are available from the 'international aerosol modelling basket', * that would be interesting to test and that could be considered for use in our models?

The group spent some time discussing the purpose and strategy of the group as regards long-term ideas for improvement of aerosol modelling and more concrete and immediate, mostly project required, developments and implementations. It was decided to make two plans: the long-term development plan and short-term action plan.

The group went on further discussing a variety of aerosol modelling related issues and potential ways of joining our efforts. Some of the most identifiable points from the rather :

development and further exchange of different parameterisation for aerosol processes within EMEP and NorESM models - this requires making more or less alone-standing modules which can easily be implemented in the other model (the old, non-modular, parameterisations should probably be re-written); implementing EMEP model in the AEROCOM system has a high priority – this will hopefully help us to identify the processes which needs more attention looking at the life cycles of different species about making use of existing aerosol models (e.g. M7, SALSA, INCA, GLOMAP) or parts from them regarding the use of different types of aerosol models (i.e. modal, sectional, monodisperse) – MS suggested that we could read his reflections concerning this in his rehabilitation thesis xx

The main outcome from the meeting – first formulations for working plans

Long-term Development Plan (2-3 years???):

Explore the possibility of implementing selected aerosol models (modules) in the EMEP model, or the possibility of using their individual subroutines (processes).

Short-term Action Plan (up to 1 year):

1.Improvements of the modelling of aerosol size distribution:

1.1 New size-resolved TNO particle number (PN) emissions (ST)

1.2 Update of nucleation parameterisation (suggested to test the one developed in EUCAARI – MS, or Janne Berge)

1.3 Evaluation within AEROCOM

2.Windblown dust modelling:

2.1 Suggested that NorESM could test EMEP dust scheme; EMEP and NorESM could work together on extending the EMEP dust scheme to a global scale (preparation of input data on soil properties, etc.)

2.2 ST could evaluate implementation of MS's dust scheme in the EMEP model and compare results with these two parameterisations

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  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:14
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