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ecoop-river:description [2007-10-15 21:04:14]
bruceh created
ecoop-river:description [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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-====== Task T2.5 description from Annex I ====== 
-===== Activity description (Annex I 6.1) ===== 
-**T2.5 - Establish a pan-EU data base for river run-off** 
-Hackett Bruce (MET-NO) - AZTI-Tecnalia, BSH, MET-NO, MHI, RIKZ, SMHI 
-**Objectives**: Establish a framework for integrating and harmonising observations of river runoff to 
-the European coastal seas and providing them to coastal and shelf seas monitoring and forecasting 
-**Description**: This Task will facilitate access to runoff data for use in the ECOOP observing and 
-forecasting system. The activities are: identifying the relevant data sources and their providers 
-(catalogue), establishing effective methods for getting data from the providers to the ECOOP users 
-and putting into effect actual data streams for the major sources. This work is necessary for ECOOP 
-because fresh water fluxes to the coastal seas, and the accompanying nutrient and pollutant loads, 
-are important for accurate monitoring and forecasting the coastal zone ecosystem, pollutant fate as 
-well as for coastal flood management. Observing systems are fragmented, even within nations, and 
-the data are difficult to access, especially in near-real-time (NRT). Efforts towards integrating 
-observations have been mainly focused on hydrology and river flooding, not coastal monitoring. 
-Consequently, predictive coastal ocean models usually rely on simple approximations of river 
-runoff, such as climatologies. Integration is necessary since fresh water effects on the coastal seas 
-are intrinsically trans-boundary. 
-Given the fragmented state of the European river observing system, this task will work through the 
-five EuroGOOS regional associations: BOOS, NOOS, IBI-ROOS, MedGOOS and Black Sea 
-GOOS. It will be most efficient to exploit the national contact networks represented by the 
-association memberships. The task team therefore includes a key member from each regional 
-association plus a task leader. Each regional partner will liaise closely with their association 
-membership in carrying out the Work. This will ensure that the resulting data provision system is 
-properly tuned to the needs of the regional users and that it will optimally benefit those users. This 
-approach builds on early initiatives within some of the associations, e.g., a project with similar 
-objectives has been started in NOOS as a "best endeavours" activity. The Task will cover both 
-archived and on-line data, volume flux, nutrient and pollutant loads, but the focus will be on 
-implementing a NRT data access to fresh water volume flux, since this is the basic time-critical data 
-===== Work Package Description (Annex I 8.5) ===== 
-**T2.5 - Establish a pan-EU data base for river run-off** 
-Hackett Bruce (MET-NO) - AZTI-Tecnalia, BSH, MET-NO, MHI, RIKZ, SMHI 
-  * Evaluate the river runoff data, regional and pan-European, including volume transport and nutrient/pollutant loads. 
-  * Investigate the availability of both archived time series and data sources with near-real-time (NRT). 
-  * Use as an important source of information the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC). Add additional information from the regional association memberships. 
-  * Catalogue the information to be available to coastal users. 
-  * Establish an optimal list of observation stations for rivers influencing the coastal and regional seas (ECOOP River Station Lists). 
-  * Define an optimal list of the initial NRT data sets for the “ECOOP Data Management System” . 
-  * Clarify data policy issues within the various regions; 
-  * Define data transfer procedures from data providers to the ECOOP DMS; 
-  * Adopt data formats and procedures defined for the ECOOP DMS; 
-  * Clarify data exchange requirements in the regional associations; 
-  *Initial tests of the data flow procedures on representative sources in each region. 
-  * Contact identified data providers, both directly and through national members of the regional EuroGOOS associations, and initiate data delivery to the EDMS under the agreed terms. 
-  * Identify a test provider able to provide NRT data early in the project period. Test the data acquisition and interfacing procedures (cf. subtask 2.5.2) on this data stream. 
  • ecoop-river/description.1192482254.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:14
  • (external edit)