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cityzen:first_annual_meeting [2009-10-02 12:16:34]
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-====== First annual meeting in Laxenburg, September 28-29, 2009 ====== 
-The 1st annual meeting took place on September 28-29, 2009. It was hosted by IIASA in Laxenburg near Vienna. 
-===== Structure of the meeting ===== 
-During the first day, each partner reported on scientific progress, plans and ideas. 
-On the second day we discussed future collaboration in four themes: Observations, Emissions, Modelling, and Observations-Modelling. 
-View {{:cityzen:m130:CityZen_agenda_28_29SEP2009_v4.pdf|Agenda}}. 
-For modellers: A {{:cityzen:m130:WP1_discussiondraft.pdf|list}} of discussion items for the modelling theme(s) was provided by INERIS before the meeting. 
-===== Presentations ===== 
-{{:cityzen:m130:CityZen_Intro_gauss.ppt|Introduction}} (Michael Gauss). 
-===== Minutes ===== 
-Coming soon. 
  • cityzen/first_annual_meeting.1254485794.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
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