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cityzen:first_annual_meeting [2009-09-23 07:54:55]
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-====== First annual meeting in Laxenburg, September 28-29, 2009 ====== 
-The 1st annual meeting will take place on September 28-29, 2009. It will be hosted by IIASA in Laxenburg near Vienna. 
-===== Structure of the meeting ===== 
-During the first day, each partner is expected to report on scientific progress made during the first year of CityZen. Plans and ideas are welcome, but the focus should be on work that has been done.  
-On the second day we will discuss future collaboration and the reporting procedure at month 18. Based on the coordinator's knowledge of the first year's progress, the discussions are structured in four themes: Observations, Emissions, Modelling, and Observations-modelling collaboration. Discussion leaders and rapporteurs have been selected. Based on new information from the first day we can restructure the discussions somewhat. The final decision will be made at end of day 1. 
-View {{:cityzen:m130:CityZen_agenda_28_29SEP2009_v3.pdf|Agenda}}. (Don't print out yet, still subject to minor changes.) 
-For modellers: A {{:cityzen:m130:WP1_discussiondraft.pdf|list}} of discussion items for the modelling theme(s) has been provided by INERIS. 
-===== Accommodation ===== 
-A block reservation has been made by IIASA at 'Hotel beim Theresianum' in Vienna for two nights (check-in 27 Sep, check-out 29 Sep). Deadline for registration was August 25, 2009. The hotel is now fully booked. A shuttle service between the hotel and the meeting venue will be provided. The journey takes about 30 minutes. 
-===== Presentations ===== 
-To be uploaded after the meeting. 
-===== Minutes ===== 
-To be uploaded after the meeting. 
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