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cityzen:first_annual_meeting [2009-08-06 15:54:06]
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-====== Modellers' meeting in Paris, January 21-22, 2009 ====== 
-As the CityZen consortium agreed at the kick-off meeting last November the 1st annual meeting will take place on September 28-29, 2009. It will be hosted by IIASA in Laxenburg near Vienna. 
-The meeting will start on Monday 28 September 2009 at 9:30. 
-A block reservation has been made by IIASA at 'Hotel beim Theresianum'  
-in Vienna for two nights (check-in 27 Sep, check-out 29 Sep). Please  
-complete the {{:cityzen:CityZenRegistrationform.doc|registration form}} and send it to Margret Gottsleben at IIASA  
-( no later than 25 August 2009. 
-A shuttle service between the hotel and the meeting venue will be  
-provided. The journey takes about 30 minutes. 
-We plan to adjourn at 5 pm on September 29. 
-At the meeting, everybody is expected to report on scientific progress made during the first year of CityZen. We will also discuss future collaboration and the reporting procedure at month 18. 
-Our scientific officer from the European Commission will be present at the meeting.  
-A detailed agenda with time slots will be sent out later. 
-to be uploaded after the meeting 
-to be uploaded after the meeting\\ 
  • cityzen/first_annual_meeting.1249574046.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)