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bufr.pm:bufrread_help [2013-08-28 08:23:06]
bufr.pm:bufrread_help [2022-05-31 09:29:31] (current)
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 Usage: Usage:
       bufrread.pl <bufr file(s)>       bufrread.pl <bufr file(s)>
 +          [--ahl <ahl_regexp>]
 +          [--all_operators]
 +          [--bitmap]
           [--codetables]           [--codetables]
           [--data_only]           [--data_only]
-          [--param <descriptor file>] 
           [--filter <filter file>]           [--filter <filter file>]
-          [--bitmap]+          [--help] 
 +          [--nodata]
           [--noqc]           [--noqc]
-          [--outfile <filename>]+          [--on_error_stop]
           [--optional_section]           [--optional_section]
-          [--width n]+          [--outfile <filename>
 +          [--param <descriptor file>]
           [--strict_checking n]           [--strict_checking n]
-          [--on_error_stop] +          [--tableformat <BUFRDC|ECCODES>]
-          [--all_operators]+
           [--tablepath <path to BUFR tables>]           [--tablepath <path to BUFR tables>]
           [--verbose n]           [--verbose n]
-          [--help]+          [--width n]
 Options: Options:
 +       --ahl <ahl_regexp>
 +                       Decode BUFR messages with AHL matching <ahl_regexp> only
 +       --all_operators Show all operator descriptors when printing section 4
 +       --bitmap        Display bit-mapped values on same line
        --codetables    Use code and flag tables to resolve values when unit        --codetables    Use code and flag tables to resolve values when unit
                        is [CODE TABLE] or [FLAG TABLE]                        is [CODE TABLE] or [FLAG TABLE]
        --data_only     Print section 4 (data section) only        --data_only     Print section 4 (data section) only
-       --param <descriptor file> 
-                       Display parameters with descriptors in <descriptor file> only 
        --filter <filter file>        --filter <filter file>
                        Decode observations meeting criteria in <filter file> only                        Decode observations meeting criteria in <filter file> only
-       --bitmap        Display bit mapped values on same line+       --help          Display Usage and explain the options used. For even 
 +                       more info you might prefer to consult perldoc bufrread.pl 
 +       --nodata        Do not print (nor decode) section 4 (data section)
        --noqc          Do not decode quality control        --noqc          Do not decode quality control
                        (or any descriptors following 222000)                        (or any descriptors following 222000)
 +       --on_error_stop Stop processing as soon as an error occurs during decoding
        --outfile <filename>        --outfile <filename>
                        Will print to <filename> instead of STDOUT                        Will print to <filename> instead of STDOUT
        --optional_section        --optional_section
                        Display a hex dump of optional section if present                        Display a hex dump of optional section if present
-       --width n       Set width of field used for data values to n characters +       --param <descriptor file> 
-                       (default is 15)+                       Display parameters with descriptors in <descriptor file> only
        --strict_checking n n=0 (default) Disable strict checking of BUFR format        --strict_checking n n=0 (default) Disable strict checking of BUFR format
                            n=1 Issue warning if (recoverable) error in                            n=1 Issue warning if (recoverable) error in
Line 40: Line 48:
                            n=2 Croak if (recoverable) error in BUFR format.                            n=2 Croak if (recoverable) error in BUFR format.
                                Nothing more in this message/subset will be decoded.                                Nothing more in this message/subset will be decoded.
-       --on_error_stop Stop processing as soon as an error occurs during decoding +       --tableformat   Currently supported are BUFRDC and ECCODES (default is BUFRDC)
-       --all_operators Show all operator descriptors when printing section 4+
        --tablepath <path to BUFR tables>        --tablepath <path to BUFR tables>
                        Set path to BUFR tables (overrides ENV{BUFR_TABLES})                        Set path to BUFR tables (overrides ENV{BUFR_TABLES})
-       --verbose n     Set verbose level to n, 0<=n<=(default 0). n=1 will+       --verbose n     Set verbose level to n, 0<=n<=(default 0). n=1 will
                        show the tables loaded.                        show the tables loaded.
-       --help          Display Usage and explain the options used. For even +       --width n       Set width of field used for data values to n characters 
-                       more info you might prefer to consult perldoc bufrread.pl+                       (default is 15)
     Options may be abbreviated, e.g. "--h" or "-h" for "--help".     Options may be abbreviated, e.g. "--h" or "-h" for "--help".
     To avoid having to use the "--tablepath" option, you are adviced to set     To avoid having to use the "--tablepath" option, you are adviced to set
-    the invironment variable BUFR_TABLES to the directory where your BUFR+    the environment variable BUFR_TABLES to the directory where your BUFR
     tables are located (unless the default path provided by bufrread.pl     tables are located (unless the default path provided by bufrread.pl
-    works for you).+    works for you). For tableformat ECCODES, se 
 +    <http://search.cpan.org/dist/Geo-BUFR/lib/Geo/BUFR.pm#BUFR-TABLE-FILES> 
 +    for more info on how to set "--tablepath" (or BUFR_TABLES). 
 +    For option "--ahl" the <ahl_regexp> should be a Perl regular expression. 
 +    E.g. "--ahl "ISS... ENMI"" will decode only BUFR SHIP (ISS) from 
 +    CCCC=ENMI. This is the only case where a little knowledge of Perl might 
 +    possibly be required when using the utility programs included in 
 +    Geo::BUFR.
-    Each line in <descriptor file> should start with a BUFR descriptor (6 +    For option "--param" each line in <descriptor file> should start with a 
-    digits). Rest of line will be ignored. bufrread.pl will display values +    BUFR descriptor (6 digits). Rest of line will be ignored. bufrread.pl 
-    for these descriptors only.+    will display values for these descriptors only.
     Using "--filter" will decode only those observations that meet one of     Using "--filter" will decode only those observations that meet one of
Line 79: Line 94:
     equal to 6 or 7. If there is no value line after a descriptor line, it     equal to 6 or 7. If there is no value line after a descriptor line, it
     is enough that the observation contains the descriptor(s), whatever the     is enough that the observation contains the descriptor(s), whatever the
-    values are. So to extract all ship messages from a BUFR SYNOP file, the +    values are. So to extract all ship messages from a BUFR file, the filter 
-    filter file should contain this single line only:+    file should contain this single line only:
       D: 001011       D: 001011
     If an error occurs during decoding (typically because the required BUFR     If an error occurs during decoding (typically because the required BUFR
-    table is missing or message is corrupt) the message is skipped, and the +    table is missing or message is corrupt)the BUFR message is skipped 
-    number of errors is reported at end of output. You can change this +    with an error message printed to STDERR, and processing then continues 
-    default behaviour, however, by setting "--on_error_stop".+    with the next BUFR message. You can change this default behaviour, 
 +    however, by setting "--on_error_stop".
 </code> </code>
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  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
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