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aerocom:warm-rain-diagnostics [2018-04-12 12:33:16] [Contact]
aerocom:warm-rain-diagnostics [2022-05-31 09:29:31] (current)
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 =====Objective===== =====Objective=====
-Warm rain statistics may provide a process-based observational constraint on parameterized precipitation in GCMs, specifically on the cloud lifetime effect (see Johannes's [[|Helsinki AeroCom meeting slides]]).+Warm rain statistics may provide a process-based observational constraint on parameterized precipitation in GCMs, specifically on the cloud lifetime effect.
 We have received base-state warm rain diagnostics from [[aerocom:warm-rain-diagnostics#Models participating so far|a number of models]], but it would be especially useful to see how the warm diagnostics respond to changes in the warm rain (autoconversion/accretion) parameterization.  We would therefore like to piggyback on existing AeroCom experiments (e.g., the We have received base-state warm rain diagnostics from [[aerocom:warm-rain-diagnostics#Models participating so far|a number of models]], but it would be especially useful to see how the warm diagnostics respond to changes in the warm rain (autoconversion/accretion) parameterization.  We would therefore like to piggyback on existing AeroCom experiments (e.g., the
-multi-model PPE) with as little extra work as possible required.+multi-model PPE) with as little extra work as possible required for the modeling groups.
 =====Required model diagnostics===== =====Required model diagnostics=====
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 IFS (Contact: Amund Søvde, Gunnar Myhre) IFS (Contact: Amund Søvde, Gunnar Myhre)
 +HadGEM-UKCA (Contact: Tom Langton, Philip Stier)
 ECHAM-HAM (Contact: Johannes Mülmenstädt) ECHAM-HAM (Contact: Johannes Mülmenstädt)
  • aerocom/warm-rain-diagnostics.1523536396.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)