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aerocom:phase3-experiments [2020-02-11 16:39:44] [Biomass burning emission injection height experiment (BBEIH)]
aerocom:phase3-experiments [2020-07-20 12:32:07] [Aerosol GCM Trajectory Experiment (GCMTraj)]
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 ncl: [[]] kindly provided by Kai Zhang   ncl: [[]] kindly provided by Kai Zhang  
 +===== Historical experiment =====
 +The main aim of the historical experiment is to understand regional trends in aerosol distribution from 1850 to 2015 and make an AeroCom reference aerosol distribution dataset (1850-2015). This experiment will also quantify the aerosol impact on TOA and surface forcing with a main emphasis on the direct aerosol effect. We underscore that the CMIP6 CEDS emissions must be used for the historical simulations. Simulations can either be performed with fixed sea-surface temperature (SSTs), historically evolving SSTs or fixed meteorology for one year. We encourage radiative forcing simulations, but if difficult to achieve on a short time frame we are interested also to have the aerosol fields without forcing diagnostics. To perform radiative forcing calculation in the case of using SST fields, we encourage double radiation calls. This output should as a minimum be every 10th year until 1980, thereafter a minimum of every 5th year 1980-2015 (preference yearly).
 +Contact: Gunnar Myhre
 +Status: Diagnostics and new instructions (new filenames) are given in the new excel sheet. Taking submission.
 +Submission deadline: 01 June 2019
 +Timeline: Initial analysis of trends in aerosols distribution and radiative forcing ready by next AeroCom workshop in September 2019. Paper to be submitted by December 2019 (IPCC deadline).
 +Column with diagnostic requests in excel sheet: HIST 
 +Document(s) with more info:Concentrations and radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols from 1750 to 2014 simulated with the Oslo CTM3 and CEDS emission inventory (Lund et al., 2018)
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-===== Historical experiment ===== 
-The main aim of the historical experiment is to understand regional trends in aerosol distribution from 1850 to 2015 and make an AeroCom reference aerosol distribution dataset (1850-2015). This experiment will also quantify the aerosol impact on TOA and surface forcing with a main emphasis on the direct aerosol effect. We underscore that the CMIP6 CEDS emissions must be used for the historical simulations. Simulations can either be performed with fixed sea-surface temperature (SSTs), historically evolving SSTs or fixed meteorology for one year. We encourage radiative forcing simulations, but if difficult to achieve on a short time frame we are interested also to have the aerosol fields without forcing diagnostics. To perform radiative forcing calculation in the case of using SST fields, we encourage double radiation calls. This output should as a minimum be every 10th year until 1980, thereafter a minimum of every 5th year 1980-2015 (preference yearly). 
-Contact: Gunnar Myhre 
-Status: Diagnostics and new instructions (new filenames) are given in the new excel sheet. Taking submission. 
-Submission deadline: 01 June 2019 
-Timeline: Initial analysis of trends in aerosols distribution and radiative forcing ready by next AeroCom workshop in September 2019. Paper to be submitted by December 2019 (IPCC deadline). 
-Column with diagnostic requests in excel sheet: HIST  
-Document(s) with more info:Concentrations and radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols from 1750 to 2014 simulated with the Oslo CTM3 and CEDS emission inventory (Lund et al., 2018) 
 ===== Trans-Atlantic Dust Deposition (TADD) analysis ===== ===== Trans-Atlantic Dust Deposition (TADD) analysis =====
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 ===== Atmospheric Composition and Asian Monsoon (ACAM) analysis ===== ===== Atmospheric Composition and Asian Monsoon (ACAM) analysis =====
-Motivation: The Asian monsoon system is a major climate component on Earth. With rapid population and economic growth across the Asian monsoon region, it has become a serious concern that the monsoon system coupled with surface emissions is playing an increasingly significant role in affecting not only the regional air quality but also the global atmospheric composition. This proposed project is to form a coordinated modeling and analysis effort among AeroCom, CCMI, and the ACAM communities to study the interactions between Asian air pollution and the Monsoon system. This project uses the model output from other proposed relevant model experiments (e.g., UTLS) and does not require additional model simulations.+Motivation: The Asian monsoon system is a major component in Earth’s climateGiven rapid population and economic growth across the Asian monsoon region, serious concern has emerged that coupling between the monsoon system and surface emissions is having increasingly significant effects not only on regional air quality but also on global atmospheric composition. This proposed activity represents a coordinated modeling and analysis effort among the AeroCom, CCMI, and ACAM communities to study interactions between Asian air pollution and the monsoon system.  In Part 1 of ACAM as stated in this docoment, we will only focus on aerosols simulated by global modelsIn Part 2, we may focus on trace gases by global models, and in Part 3 aerosols and trace gases by regional models
-Objectives: (1) Compare and evaluate the model simulated aerosol and related species in the Asian monsoon region with observations from remote sensing and recent ground-based and aircraft measurements; (2) Examine the pathways of trace gases and aerosols in the Asian UTLS region via transport by monsoon anticyclone, large scale transport, and atmospheric chemistry; (3) Investigate the interactions between Asian pollution and monsoon meteorology.+Objectives: (1) Compare and evaluate model-simulated aerosol and related species in the Asian monsoon region with observations from remote sensing and recent ground-based and aircraft measurements; (2) Identify and examine pathways of trace gases and aerosols in the UTLS above the Asian monsoon with respect to the monsoon anticyclone, large-scale transport, and atmospheric chemistry; (3) Investigate interactions between Asian pollution and monsoon meteorology
-A more detailed description can be find here {{:aerocom:A3_ACAM_2019-05-15.pdf|}}. 
-ContactXiaohua Pan [[]], Mian Chin [[]], Huisheng Bian [[]], NASA GSFC+A more detailed description can be find here {{:aerocom:ACAM_experiment_description_V10.pdf|}} 
 +Contact: Xiaohua Pan [[]], Jonathon Wright [[]], Mian Chin [[]]
 +Last update: May 13, 2020 (Make sure to check the latest experiment description above)
 +Status: accepting model submissions
 +Submission deadline: July 31, 2020
 ===== Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interaction (ACRI) experiments ===== ===== Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interaction (ACRI) experiments =====
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 Building on the Phase II experiments this effort will support the interpolation of consolidated flight track points from high-temporal resolution model output to minimise the large sampling biases that would otherwise be present. Building on the Phase II experiments this effort will support the interpolation of consolidated flight track points from high-temporal resolution model output to minimise the large sampling biases that would otherwise be present.
 +//**Note**, we are now only requesting a single year of simulation for the mandatory Tier 1 submissions. Tier 2 submissions are also welcome.//
 Recent dedicated aircraft measurement campaigns and data collection efforts have delivered a large amount of in-situ aerosol measurements of great value to AeroCom modellers. The Global Aerosol Synthesis and Science Project (GASSP) dataset brings 1000s of separate aircraft measurement flights across 10s of campaigns into a single consistent database. Combining this with data from recent campaigns such as CLARIFY, ORACLES, AToM and ACE-ENA provides a unique opportunity to evaluate AeroCom model aerosol distributions across a wide range of regions and meteorological conditions.  Recent dedicated aircraft measurement campaigns and data collection efforts have delivered a large amount of in-situ aerosol measurements of great value to AeroCom modellers. The Global Aerosol Synthesis and Science Project (GASSP) dataset brings 1000s of separate aircraft measurement flights across 10s of campaigns into a single consistent database. Combining this with data from recent campaigns such as CLARIFY, ORACLES, AToM and ACE-ENA provides a unique opportunity to evaluate AeroCom model aerosol distributions across a wide range of regions and meteorological conditions. 
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 Status: Submission phase Status: Submission phase
-Submission deadline: March 2019+Submission deadline: Summer 2020
-Timeline: TBD+Timeline: First publications ready Autumn 2020
 Column with diagnostic requests in excel sheet: Aircraft Column with diagnostic requests in excel sheet: Aircraft
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 Document(s) with more info: Document(s) with more info:
-**Experiment description:** {{ :aerocom:AeroCom_aircraft_experiment_v1.6.docx |}}+**Experiment description:** {{ :aerocom:AeroCom_aircraft_experiment_v1.7.docx |}}
 **Requested diagnostics:** See Phase III CTRL-X diagnostics ('atFlightTrack' sheet) **Requested diagnostics:** See Phase III CTRL-X diagnostics ('atFlightTrack' sheet)
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 ===== Aerosol GCM Trajectory Experiment (GCMTraj) ===== ===== Aerosol GCM Trajectory Experiment (GCMTraj) =====
-This experiment aims to perform a multi-model evaluation against reanalysis meteorological fields combined with ground-based observations of aerosol properties in a trajectory-based Lagrangian framework.  The representation of source and transport dependence of aerosols to different regions will be examined. Applying trajectory calculations to the meteorological fields from reanalysis and GCM data for the same location and time-period facilitates a highly transparent means for evaluating the discrepancies between models and observations as a function of aerosol source/sink pathways during transport to a measurement station. This analysis technique will have wide scientific relevance as it facilitates tracing the aerosol evolution during transport to investigate the role of sources, dynamical processes and sinks on the aerosol properties in the model.+This experiment aims to perform a multi-model evaluation against reanalysis meteorological fields combined with ground-based observations of aerosol properties in a trajectory-based Lagrangian framework.  The representation of source and transport dependence of aerosols to different regions will be examined. Applying trajectory calculations to the meteorological fields from reanalysis and GCM data for the same location and time-period facilitates a highly transparent means for evaluating the discrepancies between models and observations as a function of aerosol source/sink pathways during transport to a measurement station. This analysis technique will have wide scientific relevance as it facilitates tracing the aerosol evolution during transport to investigate the role of sources, dynamical processes and sinks on the aerosol properties in the model. For further details, see experiment documentation linked below. 
 +**Ongoing analysis**: A report summarising the results from the development phase of the experiment can be found [[|here]].
 **Contact**: Daniel Partridge ([[]]), Paul Kim ([[]]) **Contact**: Daniel Partridge ([[]]), Paul Kim ([[]])
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 **Column with diagnostic requests in excel sheet**: TRAJ **Column with diagnostic requests in excel sheet**: TRAJ
-**Document(s) with more info**: All relevant documentation can be found [[|here]].+**Experiment description**: The experiment rationale and description can be found [[|here]]. 
 +**Document(s) with more info**: All relevant documentation (including the files linked above) can be found [[|here]].
-Last update: Mar13th2019+Last update: Jul20th2020
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 Document(s) with more info: {{ :aerocom:AeroComMMPPE_BCexperimentprotocolV0.2.pdf |BC experiment protocol}} Document(s) with more info: {{ :aerocom:AeroComMMPPE_BCexperimentprotocolV0.2.pdf |BC experiment protocol}}
-[[|External Link]]===== Biomass burning emission injection height experiment (BBEIH) ===== +[[|External Link]] 
-Smoke aerosols can adversely affect surface air quality and visibility near emission sources and even hundreds to thousands of km downwind, and thus create health and aviation hazards. They also have impacts on air temperature, cloud properties and precipitation. The atmospheric composition of smoke aerosols depends not only on the emitted mass, but also on the injection height. This is especially true for large boreal forest fires that often emit smoke above planetary boundary layer (PBL) into the free troposphere and even the lower stratosphere. However, most atmospheric chemistry transport models (CTMs) assume that fire emissions are dispersed only within PBL, or use simple plume-rise parameterizations.The objectives of this project is to test the sensitivity of various model results to biomass burning smoke injection height, where the biomass burning injection height is based on MISR (Val Martin et al., 2010; 2018), as compared to the nominal model value.This proposed BBEIH study is to answer this question through a set of GCM model experiments. Please read the details in the document: {{:aerocom:AeroCom Phase_III_plume_injection_height_v14.pdf}}+===== Biomass burning emission injection height experiment (BBEIH) ===== 
 +Smoke aerosols can adversely affect surface air quality and visibility near emission sources and even hundreds to thousands of km downwind, and thus create health and aviation hazards. They also have impacts on air temperature, cloud properties and precipitation. The atmospheric composition of smoke aerosols depends not only on the emitted mass, but also on the injection height. This is especially true for large boreal forest fires that often emit smoke above planetary boundary layer (PBL) into the free troposphere and even the lower stratosphere. However, most atmospheric chemistry transport models (CTMs) assume that fire emissions are dispersed only within PBL, or use simple plume-rise parameterizations.The objectives of this project is to test the sensitivity of various model results to biomass burning smoke injection height, where the biomass burning injection height is based on MISR (Val Martin et al., 2010; 2018), as compared to the nominal model value.This proposed BBEIH study is to answer this question through a set of GCM model experiments. Please read the details in the document: {{:aerocom:AeroCom Phase_III_plume_injection_height_v16.pdf}}
 **Phase III Organizers**: Xiaohua Pan, Ralph Kahn, Mian Chin, Maria Val Martin **Phase III Organizers**: Xiaohua Pan, Ralph Kahn, Mian Chin, Maria Val Martin
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 **Contact:**  Xiaohua Pan [[]], Ralph Kahn [[]] **Contact:**  Xiaohua Pan [[]], Ralph Kahn [[]]
-**Last update:** Feb11, 2020 +**Last update:** May13, 2020 
 **Status:** accepting model submissions  **Status:** accepting model submissions 
-**Submission deadline:** April 31, 2020+**Submission deadline:** June 30, 2020
 Column with diagnostic requests in Googld Doc excel sheet: [[|AeroCom diagnostics CTRL + X 2018/2019]], see column "BBEIH" Column with diagnostic requests in Googld Doc excel sheet: [[|AeroCom diagnostics CTRL + X 2018/2019]], see column "BBEIH"
  • aerocom/phase3-experiments.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:31
  • (external edit)