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aerocom:modelupdates [2012-07-09 09:27:09]
aerocom:modelupdates [2022-05-31 09:29:31] (current)
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 Model Update Info Blog Model Update Info Blog
-(please add time of entry when you edit information)+(please add time of entry when you edit information)\\
 +**Anna Carlin Benedictow 24 Mar 2017**\\
 +added the following submissions to the library:\\
 +aerocom3_CAM5_GLOFIR0 \\ 
 +aerocom3_CAM5_GLOFIR0p5 \\ 
 +aerocom3_CAM5_GLOFIR1 \\ 
 +**Jan Griesfeller 22 Mar 2013**\\
 +added model NORESM.T2.1_CTL to the library\\
 +**Jan Griesfeller 11 Mar 2013**\\
 +added the following models to the library:\\
 +**Jan Griesfeller 12 Dec. 2012**\\
 +updated IMPACT-Umich.A2.CTRL with latest submission\\
 +merged models IMPACT.A2.CTRL and IMPACT-Umich.A2.CTRL after consultation with submitter, newest files were kept\\
 +updated GLOMAPbin1pt1.A2.CTRL\\
 +updated GLOMAPmodev4.A2.CTRL\\
 +updated GLOMAPmodev6R.A2.CTRL\\
 +GISS-TOMAS.A2.CTRL: deleted vars wet3Dso4, wet3Dss, wet3Dbc, wet3Doa, wet3Ddu, mmroa, mmrbc on request of submitter\\
 +GISS-TOMAS.A2.SIZ1: deleted vars wet3Dso4, wet3Dss, wet3Dbc, wet3Doa, wet3Ddu, mmroa, mmrbc on request of submitter\\
 +GISS-TOMAS.A2.SIZ2: deleted vars wet3Dso4, wet3Dss, wet3Dbc, wet3Doa, wet3Ddu, mmroa, mmrbc on request of submitter\\
 +GISS-TOMAS.A2.SIZ3: deleted vars wet3Dso4, wet3Dss, wet3Dbc, wet3Doa, wet3Ddu, mmroa, mmrbc on request of submitter\\
 +GISS-TOMAS.A2.SIZ4: deleted vars wet3Dso4, wet3Dss, wet3Dbc, wet3Doa, wet3Ddu, mmroa, mmrbc on request of submitter\\
 +**Jan Griesfeller 11 Dec. 2012**\\
 +updated ECHAM5-HAMMOZ.A2.HCA-0\\
 +**Jan Griesfeller 04 Dec. 2012**\\
 +New models in the data base\\
 +**Jan Griesfeller 03 Dec. 2012**\\
 +GISS-modelE.A2.CTRL updated/added some variables\\
 +GISS-MATRIX.A2.CTRL updated var emiso4; year 2009 is now missing\\
 +GISS-modelE.A2.HCA-IPCC.r1i1p1 added some variables\\
 +GISS-MATRIX.A2.HCA-IPCC updated var emiso4\\
 +GISS-modelE.A2.HCA-MET updated some variables\\
 +GISS-MATRIX.A2.HCA-MET updated var emiso4\\
 +GISS-modelE.A2.PI updated\\
 +GISS-MATRIX.A2.PI updated var emiso4\\
 +GISS-modelE.A2.PRE updated\\
 +GISS-modelE.A2.RAD-SO2.r1i1p1 merged into GISS-modelE.A2.RAD-SO2 since it was just an update. Old files retained in download directory\\
 +**Jan Griesfeller 01 Oct. 2012**\\
 +TM5-V3.A2.PRE added some variables\\
 +**Jan Griesfeller 17 Sept. 2012**\\
 +updated models:\\
 +GISS-modelE.A2.CTRL added variables od550bccs and od550no3cs\\
 +GISS-modelE.A2.HCA-IPCC.r1i1p1 added variables od550bccs and od550no3cs\\
 +GISS-modelE.A2.HCA-MET added variables od550bccs and od550no3cs\\
 +**Jan Griesfeller 13/08/2012**\\
 +updated models:\\
 +**Jan Griesfeller 10/08/2012**\\
 +updated models:\\
 +**Jan Griesfeller 17/07/2012**\\
 +updated models:\\
 +**Jan Griesfeller 13/07/2012**\\
 +renamed IMPACT-C.A2 to IMPACT.A2.CTRL\\
 +deleted IMPACT-B.A2 and IMPACT-A.A2\\
 +updated models CAM5.1-MAM3-PNNL.A2.FIX0, CAM5.1-MAM3-PNNL.A2.FIX2 and CAM5.1-MAM3-PNNL.A2.FIX3\\
 +updated model CAM5.1-MAM3-PNNL.A2.CTRL variables load*\\
 +updated model CAM5.1-MAM3-PNNL.A2.PRE variables load*\\
 +updated model GEOS_CHEM_APM.A2.CTRL
 +**Jan Griesfeller 12/07/2012**\\
 +added new models to the data base:\\
 Nicolas Bellouin 03/07/2012 Nicolas Bellouin 03/07/2012
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 Knut von Salzen 26/6/2012 Knut von Salzen 26/6/2012
-We recently discovered a problem that affects diagnosed 3D tracer results in runs with CCCma models for AR5/CMIP5. A list of the affected variables is below. This concerns all runs that we did with any version of the CCCma model (CanESM2, CanAM4).The problem is limited to 3D results. There is *no* problem with the surface concentrations or burdens that were also provided to AR5/CMIP5. We just decided to remove the affected data sets from the Earth System Grid. There are currently no plans to replace these files, but this is certainly an option if projects rely on these results. +Problem in CMIP5 output from CCCma (not AeroCom): 
- +We recently discovered a problem that affects diagnosed 3D tracer results in runs with CCCma models for AR5/CMIP5. A list of the affected variables is below. This concerns all runs that we did with any version of the CCCma model (CanESM2, CanAM4).The problem is limited to 3D results. There is *no* problem with the surface concentrations or burdens that were also provided to AR5/CMIP5. We just decided to remove the affected data sets from the Earth System Grid. There are currently no plans to replace these files, but this is certainly an option if projects rely on these results. List of affected variables: concoa /  concbc / concso4 / conso2 / concdmc / concss / concdust
-List of affected variables: concoa /  concbc / concso4 / conso2 / concdmc / concss / concdust+
  • aerocom/modelupdates.1341826029.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:10
  • (external edit)