AEROCOM extra output


A550_BC:long_name = “BC abs. aerosol optical depth 550nm” ;
A550_DU:long_name = “mineral abs. aerosol optical depth 550nm” ;
A550_POM:long_name = “OC abs. aerosol optical depth 550nm” ;
A550_SO4:long_name = “SO4 aerosol abs. optical depth 550nm” ;
A550_SS:long_name = “sea-salt abs aerosol optical depth 550nm” ;
AB550DRY:long_name = “Dry aerosol absorptive optical depth at 550nm” ;
ABS440:long_name = “Aerosol absorptive optical depth at 440nm” ;
ABS500:long_name = “Aerosol absorptive optical depth at 500nm” ;
ABS550:long_name = “Aerosol absorptive optical depth at 550nm” ;
ABS550AL:long_name = “Alt. aerosol absorptive optical depth at 550nm” ;
ABS550_A:long_name = “aerosol absorption coefficient” ;
ABS670:long_name = “Aerosol absorptive optical depth at 670nm” ;
ABS870:long_name = “Aerosol absorptive optical depth at 870nm” ;
ABSDR440:long_name = “Dry aerosol absorption at 440nm” ;
ABSDR870:long_name = “Dry aerosol absorption at 870nm” ;
ABSDRYAE:long_name = “Dry aerosol absorption at 550nm” ;
ABSDRYBC:long_name = “Dry BC absorption at 550nm” ;
ABSDRYDU:long_name = “Dry dust absorption at 550nm” ;
ABSDRYOC:long_name = “Dry OC absorption at 550nm” ;
ABSDRYSS:long_name = “Dry sea-salt absorption at 550nm” ;
ABSDRYSU:long_name = “Dry sulfate absorption at 550nm” ;
AIRMASS:long_name = “Vertically integrated airmass” ;
AIRMASSL:long_name = “Layer airmass” ;
AKCXS:long_name = “Scheme excess aerosol mass burden” ;
ASYMMDRY:long_name = “Dry asymmetry factor in visible wavelength band” ;
BATLW01:long_name = “Aerosol 3d LW absorption depth at 3.077-3.846um” ;
BATOTVIS:long_name = “Aerosol 3d absorption at 0.442-0.625” ;
BATSW13:long_name = “Aerosol 3d SW absorption at 3.077-3.846um” ;
BETOTVIS:long_name = “Aerosol 3d extinction at 0.442-0.625” ;
BS550AER:long_name = “aerosol backscatter coefficient” ;
CABS550:long_name = “Clear air Aerosol abs optical depth at 550nm” ;
CABS550A:long_name = “Clear air Aerosol abs optical depth at 550nm” ;
CDOD440:long_name = “Clear air Aerosol optical depth at 440nm” ;
CDOD550:long_name = “Clear air Aerosol optical depth at 550nm” ;
CDOD870:long_name = “Clear air Aerosol optical depth at 870nm” ;
Camrel01:long_name = “relative added mass for mode01” ;
Camrel02:long_name = “relative added mass for mode02” ;
Camrel04:long_name = “relative added mass for mode04” ;
Camrel05:long_name = “relative added mass for mode05” ;
Camrel06:long_name = “relative added mass for mode06” ;
Camrel07:long_name = “relative added mass for mode07” ;
Camrel08:long_name = “relative added mass for mode08” ;
Camrel09:long_name = “relative added mass for mode09” ;
Camrel10:long_name = “relative added mass for mode10” ;
Cxsrel01:long_name = “relative exessive added mass column for mode01” ;
Cxsrel02:long_name = “relative exessive added mass column for mode02” ;
Cxsrel04:long_name = “relative exessive added mass column for mode04” ;
Cxsrel05:long_name = “relative exessive added mass column for mode05” ;
Cxsrel06:long_name = “relative exessive added mass column for mode06” ;
Cxsrel07:long_name = “relative exessive added mass column for mode07” ;
Cxsrel08:long_name = “relative exessive added mass column for mode08” ;
Cxsrel09:long_name = “relative exessive added mass column for mode09” ;
Cxsrel10:long_name = “relative exessive added mass column for mode10” ;
D440_BC:long_name = “BC aerosol optical depth 440nm” ;
D440_DU:long_name = “mineral aerosol optical depth 440nm” ;
D440_POM:long_name = “OC aerosol optical depth 440nm” ;
D440_SO4:long_name = “SO4 aerosol optical depth 440nm” ;
D440_SS:long_name = “sea-salt aerosol optical depth 440nm” ;
D500_BC:long_name = “BC aerosol optical depth 500nm” ;
D500_DU:long_name = “mineral aerosol optical depth 500nm” ;
D500_POM:long_name = “OC aerosol optical depth 500nm” ;
D500_SO4:long_name = “SO4 aerosol optical depth 500nm” ;
D500_SS:long_name = “sea-salt aerosol optical depth 500nm” ;
D550_BC:long_name = “BC aerosol optical depth 550nm” ;
D550_DU:long_name = “mineral aerosol optical depth 550nm” ;
D550_POM:long_name = “OC aerosol optical depth 550nm” ;
D550_SO4:long_name = “SO4 aerosol optical depth 550nm” ;
D550_SS:long_name = “sea-salt aerosol optical depth 550nm” ;
D670_BC:long_name = “BC aerosol optical depth 670nm” ;
D670_DU:long_name = “mineral aerosol optical depth 670nm” ;
D670_POM:long_name = “OC aerosol optical depth 670nm” ;
D670_SO4:long_name = “SO4 aerosol optical depth 670nm” ;
D670_SS:long_name = “sea-salt aerosol optical depth 670nm” ;
D870_BC:long_name = “BC aerosol optical depth 870nm” ;
D870_DU:long_name = “mineral aerosol optical depth 870nm” ;
D870_POM:long_name = “OC aerosol optical depth 870nm” ;
D870_SO4:long_name = “SO4 aerosol optical depth 870nm” ;
D870_SS:long_name = “sea-salt aerosol optical depth 870nm” ;
DAERH2O:long_name = “Aerosol water load” ;
DER:long_name = “Effective aerosol dry radius” ;
DERGT05:long_name = “Effective aerosol dry radius>0.5um” ;
DERLT05:long_name = “Effective aerosol dry radius<0.5um” ;
DGT_BC:long_name = “BC aerosol optical depth 550nm gt05” ;
DGT_DUST:long_name = “mineral aerosol optical depth 550nm gt05” ;
DGT_POM:long_name = “OC aerosol optical depth 550nm gt05” ;
DGT_SO4:long_name = “SO4 aerosol optical depth 550nm gt05” ;
DGT_SS:long_name = “sea-salt aerosol optical depth 550nm gt05” ;
DLOAD_BC:long_name = “BC aerosol load” ;
DLOAD_MI:long_name = “mineral aerosol load” ;
DLOAD_OC:long_name = “OC aerosol load” ;
DLOAD_S4:long_name = “sulfate aerosol load” ;
DLOAD_SS:long_name = “sea-salt aerosol load” ;
DLT_BC:long_name = “BC aerosol optical depth 550nm lt05” ;
DLT_DUST:long_name = “mineral aerosol optical depth 550nm lt05” ;
DLT_POM:long_name = “OC aerosol optical depth 550nm lt05” ;
DLT_SO4:long_name = “SO4 aerosol optical depth 550nm lt05” ;
DLT_SS:long_name = “sea-salt aerosol optical depth 550nm lt05” ;
DOD440:long_name = “Aerosol optical depth at 440nm” ;
DOD500:long_name = “Aerosol optical depth at 500nm” ;
DOD550:long_name = “Aerosol optical depth at 550nm” ;
DOD670:long_name = “Aerosol optical depth at 670nm” ;
DOD870:long_name = “Aerosol optical depth at 870nm” ;
EC550AER:long_name = “aerosol extinction coefficient” ;
EC550BC:long_name = “BC aerosol extinction coefficient” ;
EC550DU:long_name = “DU aerosol extinction coefficient” ;
EC550POM:long_name = “POM aerosol extinction coefficient” ;
EC550SO4:long_name = “SO4 aerosol extinction coefficient” ;
EC550SS:long_name = “SS aerosol extinction coefficient” ;
ECDRY440:long_name = “Dry aerosol extinction at 440nm” ;
ECDRY870:long_name = “Dry aerosol extinction at 870nm” ;
ECDRYAER:long_name = “Dry aerosol extinction at 550nm” ;
ECDRYLT1:long_name = “Dry aerosol extinction at 550nm lt05” ;
FLNT_ORG:long_name = “Total column longwave flux (CAM5)” ;
FLUS:long_name = “LW surface upwelling flux” ;
FSDSCDRF:long_name = “SW downwelling clear sky flux at surface” ;
FSDS_DRF:long_name = “SW downelling flux at surface” ;
FSUS_DRF:long_name = “SW upwelling flux at surface” ;
FSUTADRF:long_name = “SW upwelling flux at TOA” ;
GRIDAREA:long_name = “Grid area for 1.9×2.5 horizontal resolution” ;
LOADBC0:long_name = “BC aerosol mode 0 load” ;
LOADBC12:long_name = “BC aerosol mode 12 load” ;
LOADBC14:long_name = “BC aerosol mode 14 load” ;
LOADBC2:long_name = “BC aerosol mode 2 load” ;
LOADBC4:long_name = “BC aerosol mode 4 load” ;
LOADBCAC:long_name = “BC aerosol coag load” ;
LOADOC14:long_name = “OC aerosol mode 14 load” ;
LOADOC4:long_name = “OC aerosol mode 4 load” ;
LOADOCAC:long_name = “OC aerosol coag load” ;
MMRPM2P5:long_name = “3D aerosol PM2.5 mass mixing ratio” ;
MMR_AH2O:long_name = “Aerosol water mmr” ;
NNAT_0:long_name = “Aerosol mode 0 number concentration” ;
NNAT_1:long_name = “Aerosol mode 1 number concentration” ;
NNAT_10:long_name = “Aerosol mode 10 number concentration” ;
NNAT_12:long_name = “Aerosol mode 12 number concentration” ;
NNAT_14:long_name = “Aerosol mode 14 number concentration” ;
NNAT_2:long_name = “Aerosol mode 2 number concentration” ;
NNAT_4:long_name = “Aerosol mode 4 number concentration” ;
NNAT_5:long_name = “Aerosol mode 5 number concentration” ;
NNAT_6:long_name = “Aerosol mode 6 number concentration” ;
NNAT_7:long_name = “Aerosol mode 7 number concentration” ;
NNAT_8:long_name = “Aerosol mode 8 number concentration” ;
NNAT_9:long_name = “Aerosol mode 9 number concentration” ;
OD550DRY:long_name = “Dry aerosol optical depth at 550nm” ;
PM25:long_name = “Aerosol PM2.5” ;
PM2P5:long_name = “3D aerosol PM2.5” ;
PMTOT:long_name = “Aerosol PM, all sizes” ;
RHW:long_name = “Relative humidity with respect to liquid” ;

NorESM2.1, additional output:

MMRPM1:long_name = “3D aerosol PM1.0 mass mixing ratio” ;