Table of Contents

Simple online sharing

Share data online

For simple data sharing, use the script /projects/NS2345K/tools/wwwpublish:

   wwwpublish <absolute path to data directory> <dataset name> 
   wwwpublish <absolute path to data file> <dataset name> 

   wwwpublish /projects/NS2345K/noresm/thredds/CORE2/AMOC CORE2-AMOC 
   wwwpublish /projects/NS2345K/noresm/noresm2cmor.tbz noresm2cmor 

   Publish data online at 

   The input path must be absolute and start with /projects/NS2345K.

   Only regular files are considered. Symbolic links are skipped.
   All date files must have unique names as the folder stucture is 
   flattened during publication. 

   Reading permissions of the data files have to be open to everyone. 
   However, reading permissions of the folders containing the files 
   can be closed. 
   <dataset name> should be one word and not contain any special 
   characters other than "-" and "_".           

The script provides following:

NOTE: The sharing method uses hard-links. This has the advantages that no additional disk space is used and that the sharing happens instantaneous. A removal of the hard-links will unshare the data, but will not affect the original files.

Unshare data

If you don't want to share a dataset anymore, use the script /projects/NS2345K/tools/wwwunpublish:

Usage: wwwunpublish <dataset name> 

Example: wwwunpublish CORE2-AMOC 
Purpose: Unpublish a dataset from NorStore's www-server 

NOTE: Unsharing data will not affect the original data.

Data sharing via the Norwegian ESG data portal

IMPORTANT: The portal is currently offline for maintenance and its operation is expected to be resumed sometime in October. For an alternative data sharing method see previous section "Simple data sharing".

Simplified publishing (unofficial ESG publication)

All users of the NorStore project ns2345k have the possibility to share their data via NorStore's ESG data portal

Requirements are:

Note that the data sharing solution uses hard links to avoid additional use of disk resources. The original data is not touched/modified.

Publish a simple dataset to NorStore's ESG data portal

For simple data sharing with ESG support, use the script /projects/NS2345K/tools/esgpublish:

Usage: esgpublish <absolute path to data directory> <dataset name> [unlisted]
       esgpublish <absolute path to data file> <dataset name> [unlisted]

Example: esgpublish /projects/NS2345K/noresm/thredds/CORE2/AMOC CORE2-AMOC 
         esgpublish /projects/NS2345K/noresm/noresm2cmor.tbz noresm2cmor unlisted 

Purpose: Publish data via NorStore's online data portal 

Description: The input path must be absolute and start with /projects/NS2345K or

             Only regular files (i.e., no symbolic links) are considered. 
             All date files must have unique names as the folder stucture is 
             flattened during publication. 

             Reading permissions of the data files have to be open to everyone, 
             but reading permissions of the folders containing the files can be 
             <dataset name> should be one word and not contain any special 
             characters other than "-" and "_". 
             If a third argument is specified and set to "unlisted" then the 
             dataset will be served through the file server but not published 
             to the portal.             

Remove a simple dataset from NorStore's ESG data portal

To unpublish a dataset that previously has been published with esgpublish, use the script /projects/NS2345K/tools/esgunpublish:

Usage: esgunpublish <dataset name> 

Example: esgunpublish CORE2-AMOC 
Purpose: Unpublish a dataset from NorStore's online data portal 

Standard publishing (official ESG publication)

Several projects (e.g, CMIP, GeoMIP, etc) require special post-processing and ESG publishing procedures.

Please contact Ingo Bethke (ingo.bethke[at] or Alf Grini (alfg[at] for assistance.