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404 : Build System

Pri Akt.Nr. Ressurs Navn og tidsverk System Oppgave Beskrivelse Lenker Status Gjennomførings Periode og underprioritet
0 404 BM 5 d VB KJ PE Software og Hardware Byggesystem Endre byggesystemet til autotools Formål: Et skritt mot Priprod status Pri 0-1 Mar 08

THIS IS AN EXAMPLE Below is random text just to illustrate how we might carry out such a discussion … in order to get things going. Suggestions welcome.

* After updating this page email to notify interested parties that there is new input on the discussion. *


Institue Y> Is the autobuild configuration going to be stream-lined for Linux platforms or will we build configure scripts to facilitate build on all systems, UNIX, Linux, Windows, … ?

Fred Bloggs> Bla bla bla ….

Corporation Q> Good idea. Lets do that.

Institute Y> …


Institute P>What happened to the plans to use Cmake?

HPWT>: The X from K is too much for Z and out of scope of current QLR, so we are stuck with autoconf.

Institute P> We already have <this>. Can it help?


Fred Bloggs> Here are the tasks we need to complete to improve the build system and use autobuild tools:

  1. fix faulty #if directives
  2. trouble shoot autoscan output, manually adjust order of macros and calls to configuration headers
  3. reorganise code into <this> directory structure
  4. etc …


Institute P> Please include L5,C4,J8.

HPWT>Don't you think its odd that this activity shares its id number with the HTTP standard response code for Not Found?