Table of Contents

kvqc2d Version: 1.1.0

8-) To Do 8-) When deploying into operation the kvalobs control scripts have to be updated to call “kvqc2d” and not “kvqc2”

In consequence, these are suggested steps to follow:


Algorithms in this release:

AlgoCode Name Description
10 SingleLinear_v32 Replaces a single missing value with a linear interpolated value. If a corresponding max or min paramids are also specified then checks that the correction lies within the available max … min range, if the interpolated values falls outside this range then the algorithm sets the corrected value to the nearest of max or min. Run for any paramid and optional max, min specified in the configuration file. New version updated with respect to a revised specification
1 Redistribution of RR_24 See and config file below.

Sample data from the new algorithm (scroll right for cfailed format)

NB on dev-vm101 this data could only be generated with I_fd=0 … normally this is set to I_fd=1 so that only QC1-controlled data is used for interpolation model values for the redistribution.

kvalobs=# select * from data where obstime between '2010-12-07' and 'today' and paramid=110 and cfailed like '%QC2-redist%' order by stationid, obstime;
 stationid |       obstime       | original | paramid |       tbtime        | typeid | sensor | level | corrected |   controlinfo    |     useinfo      |                                  cfailed                                  
     25260 | 2010-12-07 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-08 00:30:21 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_25320_25630_25640_25100_25830_24890,QC2-redist
     25260 | 2010-12-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-09 00:30:27 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_25320_25630_25640_25100_53950_25830_24890,QC2-redist
     25260 | 2010-12-09 06:00:00 |       -1 |     110 | 2010-12-09 07:21:52 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0110004000007000 | 5336900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_25320_25630_25640_25100_53950_25830_24890,QC2-redist

     45350 | 2010-12-07 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-08 00:30:35 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_42940_45530_45600_45870_44760_42810_42520,QC2-redist
     45350 | 2010-12-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-09 00:30:25 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       5.3 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_42940_45530_45600_45870_44760_42810_42520_44800,QC2-redist
     45350 | 2010-12-09 06:00:00 |        9 |     110 | 2010-12-09 11:40:20 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       3.7 | 0110004000007000 | 5336900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_42940_45530_45600_45870_44760_42810_42520_44800,QC2-redist

     84070 | 2010-12-07 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-08 00:30:48 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_84190,QC2-redist
     84070 | 2010-12-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-09 00:30:33 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_84190_85180_83710,QC2-redist
     84070 | 2010-12-09 06:00:00 |      1.5 |     110 | 2010-12-09 07:03:10 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.3 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_84190_83710,QC2-redist
(9 rows)

Example Configuration Files


*NB* Different/simpler checks applied to the neighbours (CF version 1.0.5)

# AlgCode 10 corresponds to
# Performs simple linear interpolation for a single point replacement.
# If the result is outside an available max min range, the nearest of the
# max or min values are used.
# Time to run the algorithm
# Check data from the last three days

#[Specific Data Type and Paramters ids etc.]
# MaxParamId=215   # Optional  !!!! The Max and Min options are no longer required (to be modified).
# MinParamId=213   # Optional
# Only write back the result if not previously controlled

#Flag to set if value is corrected

#If there is already a 1 in place then we do not want run the algorithm again!
# Algorithm configuration for redistribution of accumulated precipitation

#[Time Range] The time window for when to apply the algorithm


End_hh=6   # NB 24 hour values are at 06:00 UTC

#[Time Step]

#[Specific Data Type and Paramters ids etc.]

# Only write data it it has not been analysed by HQC

# Added for a special test run
# CfailedString="any text"

# Condition for running the algorithm

# Flags to set on successful completion

#Only interpolate the following data



Bugs and new requirements addressed in this release

Most of the bugs opened in response to emails.

General bugs identified in algorithm testing

Test results are at the foot of this report:

Name Changes

Additional logging information

The log file now looks like this:

20101213010007: INFO 
--------------- Case 1: Redistribute
20101213010007: INFO 
--------------- Redistribute Accumulations
20101213010458: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 45350 2010-12-7 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20101213010458: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 45350 2010-12-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 5.3
20101213010458: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 45350 2010-12-9 6:0:0 9 110 302 0 0 3.7
20101213010459: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 25260 2010-12-7 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20101213010459: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 25260 2010-12-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20101213010459: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 25260 2010-12-9 6:0:0 -1 110 302 0 0 -1
20101213010459: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 84070 2010-12-7 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20101213010459: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 84070 2010-12-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 0.2
20101213010459: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 84070 2010-12-9 6:0:0 1.5 110 302 0 0 1.3
20101213010551: INFO 
--------------- Case 1: Completed

By default assume dry (0 -> -1)

For example:

 stationid |       obstime       | original | paramid |       tbtime        | typeid | sensor | level | corrected |   controlinfo    |     useinfo      |                                     cfailed                                      

     55550 | 2010-12-20 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-21 00:30:55 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_58480,QC2-redist
     55550 | 2010-12-21 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-22 00:30:52 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_53700_58480,QC2-redist
     55550 | 2010-12-22 06:00:00 |      2.6 |     110 | 2010-12-22 15:16:50 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.5 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_53130_54780_53070_53700_56960_57390_58480,QC2-redist

     84070 | 2010-12-24 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-25 00:31:36 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_84190_85180,QC2-redist
     84070 | 2010-12-25 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-27 22:42:19 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_84190,QC2-redist
     84070 | 2010-12-26 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-28 07:43:30 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_84190,QC2-redist
     84070 | 2010-12-27 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-28 19:51:24 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_84190,QC2-redist
     84070 | 2010-12-28 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-29 00:31:48 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_84190_85180,QC2-redist
     84070 | 2010-12-29 06:00:00 |      0.2 |     110 | 2010-12-29 12:05:13 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_84190,QC2-redist

Revised typeid policy

Only typeids specificed in the configuration file with the new option TypeIds are redistributed. All typeids are used for interpolation.


The format of cfailed for the Redistribution algorithm has been changed (please see example data above).

First Run In Operations

Installed on murky (2011-01-10) 13:20 Local Time. The Redistribution Algorithm was run at 14:20 LT for the previous 28 days. Note: the algroithm started at 13 20 55 UTC and completed the run at 13 29 17 UTC (circa 9 minutes), using 100% of 1 of the processors (observation with “top”). In parallel other processes (e.g. find_messages) were also observed to run in the same period (100% on another processor … I assume?).

Log File

NB: a database dump of the redistributed values is also provided after the log file.

kvalobs@murky:/etc/kvalobs/Qc2Config$ cat /var/log/kvalobs/kvqc2d.log 
20110110122202: INFO 
--------------- Qc2Work: starting work thread!
20110110122202: INFO 
--------------- New database connection (PostgreSQL) created!
20110110122202: DEBUG 
--------------- Created a new connection to the database!
20110110122202: INFO 
--------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
20110110122302: DEBUG 
--------------- shutdown CORBA!
20110110122302: INFO 
--------------- Qc2Work: Thread terminating!
20110110122302: DEBUG 
--------------- Closing the database connection before termination!
20110110122302: INFO 
--------------- Database connection (PostgreSQL) released
20110110122350: INFO 
--------------- Qc2Work: starting work thread!
20110110122350: INFO 
--------------- New database connection (PostgreSQL) created!
20110110122350: DEBUG 
--------------- Created a new connection to the database!
20110110122350: INFO 
--------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
20110110132055: INFO 
--------------- Case 1: Redistribute
20110110132055: INFO 
--------------- Redistribute Accumulations
20110110132402: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55550 2010-12-20 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132404: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55550 2010-12-21 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 1.5
20110110132405: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55550 2010-12-22 6:0:0 2.6 110 302 0 0 1.1
20110110132517: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 62900 2010-12-23 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132517: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 62900 2010-12-24 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132517: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 62900 2010-12-25 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132518: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 62900 2010-12-26 6:0:0 -1 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132536: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 54780 2010-12-24 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132536: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 54780 2010-12-25 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132536: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 54780 2010-12-26 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132536: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 54780 2010-12-27 6:0:0 -1 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132536: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 45350 2010-12-24 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132536: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 45350 2010-12-25 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132536: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 45350 2010-12-26 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132536: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 45350 2010-12-27 6:0:0 -1 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132536: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2010-12-24 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 2.5
20110110132537: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2010-12-25 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 13
20110110132537: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2010-12-26 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132537: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2010-12-27 6:0:0 15.5 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132537: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 48780 2010-12-24 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 20.3
20110110132537: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 48780 2010-12-25 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 0.2
20110110132537: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 48780 2010-12-26 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132537: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 48780 2010-12-27 6:0:0 20.5 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132537: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 53730 2010-12-25 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132537: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 53730 2010-12-26 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 4
20110110132537: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 53730 2010-12-27 6:0:0 4 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132537: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55930 2010-12-24 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132537: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55930 2010-12-25 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132537: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55930 2010-12-26 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132537: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55930 2010-12-27 6:0:0 -1 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132733: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 85440 2010-12-28 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132733: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 85440 2010-12-29 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132733: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 85440 2010-12-30 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 8.4
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 85440 2010-12-31 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 59.8
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 85440 2011-1-1 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 9.3
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 85440 2011-1-2 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 4.7
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 85440 2011-1-3 6:0:0 85 110 302 0 0 2.8
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 53950 2010-12-31 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 0.3
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 53950 2011-1-1 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 2.3
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 53950 2011-1-2 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 53950 2011-1-3 6:0:0 2.6 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 53730 2010-12-31 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 0.7
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 53730 2011-1-1 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 4.6
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 53730 2011-1-2 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 53730 2011-1-3 6:0:0 5.4 110 302 0 0 0.1
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 48780 2010-12-31 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 2.9
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 48780 2011-1-1 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 13.4
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 48780 2011-1-2 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 48780 2011-1-3 6:0:0 16.9 110 302 0 0 0.6
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 64320 2011-1-1 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 22.5
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 64320 2011-1-2 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 4.9
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 64320 2011-1-3 6:0:0 30.5 110 302 0 0 3.1
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55930 2011-1-1 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55930 2011-1-2 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132734: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55930 2011-1-3 6:0:0 -1 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132749: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2010-12-28 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132749: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2010-12-29 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132749: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2010-12-30 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 0.5
20110110132749: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2010-12-31 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 7
20110110132749: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2011-1-1 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 12.2
20110110132749: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2011-1-2 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 10.9
20110110132749: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2011-1-3 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 0.6
20110110132749: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2011-1-4 6:0:0 31.2 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132832: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55930 2011-1-5 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 0.9
20110110132832: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55930 2011-1-6 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 0.5
20110110132832: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55930 2011-1-7 6:0:0 12 110 302 0 0 10.5
20110110132832: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 54320 2010-12-31 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 1.8
20110110132832: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 54320 2011-1-1 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 6.4
20110110132832: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 54320 2011-1-2 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132832: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 54320 2011-1-3 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132832: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 54320 2011-1-4 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 6.2
20110110132833: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 54320 2011-1-5 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 0.8
20110110132833: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 54320 2011-1-6 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 3.2
20110110132833: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 54320 2011-1-7 6:0:0 21 110 302 0 0 2.6
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55930 2011-1-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 2.5
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55930 2011-1-9 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 4.5
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 55930 2011-1-10 6:0:0 25 110 302 0 0 18
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2011-1-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2011-1-9 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 0.2
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 89650 2011-1-10 6:0:0 0.7 110 302 0 0 0.5
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 96931 2011-1-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 0.1
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 96931 2011-1-9 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 0.4
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 96931 2011-1-10 6:0:0 2.2 110 302 0 0 1.8
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 92750 2011-1-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 92750 2011-1-9 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 92750 2011-1-10 6:0:0 0.1 110 302 0 0 0.1
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 48780 2011-1-7 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 4.5
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 48780 2011-1-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 3.2
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 48780 2011-1-9 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 3.2
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 48780 2011-1-10 6:0:0 22.2 110 302 0 0 11.3
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 17780 2011-1-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 0.1
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 17780 2011-1-9 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 6
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 17780 2011-1-10 6:0:0 8.5 110 302 0 0 2.4
20110110132916: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 81370 2011-1-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 2.5
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 81370 2011-1-9 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 1.4
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 81370 2011-1-10 6:0:0 3.9 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 94870 2011-1-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 94870 2011-1-9 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 94870 2011-1-10 6:0:0 2 110 302 0 0 2
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 84070 2011-1-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 0.2
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 84070 2011-1-9 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 84070 2011-1-10 6:0:0 0.2 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 94130 2011-1-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 94130 2011-1-9 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 94130 2011-1-10 6:0:0 0.5 110 302 0 0 0.5
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 47240 2011-1-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 1.9
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 47240 2011-1-9 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 8.8
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 47240 2011-1-10 6:0:0 28.1 110 302 0 0 17.5
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 64320 2011-1-8 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 64320 2011-1-9 6:0:0 -32767 110 302 0 0 -1
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Redistribution: 64320 2011-1-10 6:0:0 15.9 110 302 0 0 15.9
20110110132917: INFO 
--------------- Case 1: Completed

Database dump

 stationid |       obstime       | original | paramid |       tbtime        | typeid | sensor | level | corrected |   controlinfo    |     useinfo      |                     cfailed                                              
     17780 | 2011-01-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-09 00:30:04 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_18160_4040_26990_17251_4740,QC2-redist
     17780 | 2011-01-09 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-10 00:30:02 |    302 | 0      |     0 |         6 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_18160_4040_26990_17251_4740,QC2-redist
     17780 | 2011-01-10 06:00:00 |      8.5 |     110 | 2011-01-10 07:15:25 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       2.4 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_18160_4040_26990_17251_4740,QC2-redist

     45350 | 2010-12-24 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-25 00:31:11 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_45600_44760_42810_42520_44800,QC2-redist
     45350 | 2010-12-25 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-26 00:30:30 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_45600_44760_42810_42520_44800,QC2-redist
     45350 | 2010-12-26 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-27 00:30:31 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_45600_44760_42810_42520_44800,QC2-redist
     45350 | 2010-12-27 06:00:00 |       -1 |     110 | 2011-01-04 14:11:40 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0110004000007000 | 5336900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_45600_44760_42810_42520_44800,QC2-redist

     47240 | 2011-01-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-09 00:33:06 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_47090_47450_45600,QC2-redist
     47240 | 2011-01-09 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-10 00:31:06 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       8.8 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_47450_45600,QC2-redist
     47240 | 2011-01-10 06:00:00 |     28.1 |     110 | 2011-01-10 06:35:09 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      17.5 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_47450_45600,QC2-redist

     48780 | 2010-12-24 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-25 00:31:20 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      20.3 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_48500_50150_47820_47890_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2010-12-25 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-26 00:30:47 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_48500_50150_47820_47890_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2010-12-26 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-27 00:30:34 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_48500_50150_47820_47890_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2010-12-27 06:00:00 |     20.5 |     110 | 2010-12-27 09:26:24 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_48500_50150_47820_47890_48450_46450,QC2-redist

     48780 | 2010-12-31 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-01 00:31:06 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       2.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_48500_50150_47820_47890_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2011-01-01 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-02 00:31:49 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      13.4 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_48500_50150_47820_47890_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2011-01-02 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-03 00:31:44 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_48500_50150_47820_47890_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2011-01-03 06:00:00 |     16.9 |     110 | 2011-01-03 09:14:51 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.6 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_48500_50150_47820_47890_48450_46450,QC2-redist

     48780 | 2011-01-07 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-08 00:32:03 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       4.5 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_48500_50150_47820_47890_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2011-01-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-09 00:32:43 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       3.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_48500_50150_47820_47890_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2011-01-09 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-10 00:31:30 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       3.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_48500_50150_47820_47890_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2011-01-10 06:00:00 |     22.2 |     110 | 2011-01-10 07:36:04 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      11.3 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_48500_50150_47820_47890_48450_46450,QC2-redist

     53730 | 2010-12-25 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-26 00:30:52 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53700_53130_53160_49631_53070_55550,QC2-redist
     53730 | 2010-12-26 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-27 00:30:34 |    302 | 0      |     0 |         4 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53700_53130_53160_49631_53070_55550,QC2-redist
     53730 | 2010-12-27 06:00:00 |        4 |     110 | 2010-12-27 08:59:40 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_53700_53130_53160_49631_53070_55550,QC2-redist

     53730 | 2010-12-31 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-01 00:31:49 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.7 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53130_53160_49631_53070_55550,QC2-redist
     53730 | 2011-01-01 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-02 00:31:30 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       4.6 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53130_53160_49631_53070_55550,QC2-redist
     53730 | 2011-01-02 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-03 00:31:55 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53130_53160_49631_53070,QC2-redist
     53730 | 2011-01-03 06:00:00 |      5.4 |     110 | 2011-01-03 13:21:46 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_53130_53160_49631_53070,QC2-redist

     53950 | 2010-12-31 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-01 00:31:40 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.3 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_25260_53130_49631_53160,QC2-redist
     53950 | 2011-01-01 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-02 00:31:53 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       2.3 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_25260_53130_49631_53160,QC2-redist
     53950 | 2011-01-02 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-03 00:31:45 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_25260_53130_49631_53160,QC2-redist
     53950 | 2011-01-03 06:00:00 |      2.6 |     110 | 2011-01-03 13:22:51 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_25260_53130_49631_53160,QC2-redist

     54320 | 2010-12-31 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-01 00:31:40 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.8 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_55550_53130_25260,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-01 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-02 00:31:53 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       6.4 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_55550_25100_53130_25260,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-02 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-03 00:32:13 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_25100_53130_25260,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-03 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-04 00:30:35 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_25100_53130_25260,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-04 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-05 00:31:39 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       6.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54780_53950_53730_55550_25100_53130_25260,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-05 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-06 00:31:25 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.8 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54780_53950_53730_55550_25100_53130,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-06 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-07 00:31:04 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       3.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54780_53950_53730_55550_25100_53130,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-07 06:00:00 |       21 |     110 | 2011-01-07 11:34:53 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       2.6 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_54780_53950_53730_55550_25100_53130_25260,QC2-redist

     54780 | 2010-12-24 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-25 00:31:55 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC1-7-110,QC2N_55550,QC2-redist
     54780 | 2010-12-25 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-26 00:30:50 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC1-7-110,QC2N_55550,QC2-redist
     54780 | 2010-12-26 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-27 00:30:37 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC1-7-110,QC2N_55550,QC2-redist
     54780 | 2010-12-27 06:00:00 |       -1 |     110 | 2011-01-07 12:07:29 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0110004000007000 | 5336900000000190 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_55550,QC2-redist

     55550 | 2010-12-20 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-21 00:30:58 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_58480,QC2-redist
     55550 | 2010-12-21 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-22 00:30:49 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.5 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53700_58480,QC2-redist
     55550 | 2010-12-22 06:00:00 |      2.6 |     110 | 2010-12-22 15:15:19 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_53700_58480_53730,QC2-redist

     55930 | 2010-12-24 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-25 00:32:03 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_53130_53160_55550_57390_57480_52170_53700,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2010-12-25 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-26 00:30:57 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_53130_53160_55550_57390_57480_52170_53700,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2010-12-26 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-27 00:30:37 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_53130_53160_55550_57390_52220_57480_52170_53700,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2010-12-27 06:00:00 |       -1 |     110 | 2010-12-27 07:45:16 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0110004000007000 | 5336900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_53130_53160_55550_57390_52220_57480_52170_53700,QC2-redist

     55930 | 2011-01-01 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-02 00:32:04 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_56960_53130_53160_55550_57390_52220_57480_52170,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2011-01-02 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-03 00:32:03 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_53130_53160_57390_57480_52170,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2011-01-03 06:00:00 |       -1 |     110 | 2011-01-03 06:42:37 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0110004000007000 | 5336900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_53130_53160_57390_57480,QC2-redist

     55930 | 2011-01-05 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-06 00:31:58 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_53130_53160_55550_57390_52220_57480_52170,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2011-01-06 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-07 00:31:37 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.5 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_53130_53160_55550_57390_52220_57480_52170,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2011-01-07 06:00:00 |       12 |     110 | 2011-01-10 11:37:31 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      10.5 | 0110004000007000 | 5336900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_53130_53160_55550_57390_52220_57480_52170,QC2-redist

     55930 | 2011-01-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-09 00:33:34 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       2.5 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_53130_53160_55550_57390_52220_57480_52170,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2011-01-09 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-10 00:31:39 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       4.5 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_53130_53160_55550_57390_52220_57480_52170,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2011-01-10 06:00:00 |       25 |     110 | 2011-01-10 11:38:56 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        18 | 0110004000007000 | 5336900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_53130_53160_57390_52220_57480_52170,QC2-redist

     62900 | 2010-12-23 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-24 00:31:21 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_64320_62480_61820,QC2-redist
     62900 | 2010-12-24 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-25 00:32:12 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_64320_62480_61820,QC2-redist
     62900 | 2010-12-25 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-26 00:31:04 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_64320_62480_61820,QC2-redist
     62900 | 2010-12-26 06:00:00 |       -1 |     110 | 2010-12-26 11:59:31 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0110004000007000 | 5336900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_62480_61820,QC2-redist

     64320 | 2011-01-01 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-02 00:32:28 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      22.5 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC1-7-110,QC2N_62900,QC2-redist
     64320 | 2011-01-02 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-03 00:32:38 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       4.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC1-7-110,QC2N_62900,QC2-redist
     64320 | 2011-01-03 06:00:00 |     30.5 |     110 | 2011-01-03 06:46:34 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       3.1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_62900,QC2-redist

     64320 | 2011-01-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-09 00:34:03 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_62900,QC2-redist
     64320 | 2011-01-09 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-10 00:32:05 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_62900,QC2-redist
     64320 | 2011-01-10 06:00:00 |     15.9 |     110 | 2011-01-10 06:10:39 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      15.9 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_62900,QC2-redist

     81370 | 2011-01-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-09 00:34:18 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       2.5 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_82650_80850_82530_82840,QC2-redist
     81370 | 2011-01-09 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-10 00:32:20 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.4 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_80850_82530_82840,QC2-redist
     81370 | 2011-01-10 06:00:00 |      3.9 |     110 | 2011-01-10 07:11:08 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_80850_82840,QC2-redist

     84070 | 2011-01-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-09 00:34:46 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_84190_85180,QC2-redist
     84070 | 2011-01-09 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-10 00:32:37 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_84190,QC2-redist
     84070 | 2011-01-10 06:00:00 |      0.2 |     110 | 2011-01-10 06:46:56 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_84190,QC2-redist

     85440 | 2010-12-28 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-29 00:32:11 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_85180_83300,QC2-redist
     85440 | 2010-12-29 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-30 00:32:54 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_83300,QC2-redist
     85440 | 2010-12-30 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-31 00:31:43 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       8.4 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_83300,QC2-redist
     85440 | 2010-12-31 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-01 00:32:28 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      59.8 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_83300,QC2-redist
     85440 | 2011-01-01 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-02 00:33:20 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       9.3 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_83300,QC2-redist
     85440 | 2011-01-02 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-03 00:33:01 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       4.7 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_83300,QC2-redist
     85440 | 2011-01-03 06:00:00 |       85 |     110 | 2011-01-03 14:15:54 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       2.8 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_83300,QC2-redist

     89650 | 2010-12-24 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-25 00:33:11 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       2.5 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2010-12-25 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-26 00:31:22 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        13 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2010-12-26 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-27 00:30:55 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2010-12-27 06:00:00 |     15.5 |     110 | 2010-12-30 09:55:49 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist

     89650 | 2010-12-28 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-29 00:32:36 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2010-12-29 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-30 00:32:46 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2010-12-30 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2010-12-31 00:32:00 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.5 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2010-12-31 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-01 00:32:53 |    302 | 0      |     0 |         7 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2011-01-01 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-02 00:33:38 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      12.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2011-01-02 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-03 00:33:41 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      10.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2011-01-03 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-04 00:30:46 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.6 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2011-01-04 06:00:00 |     31.2 |     110 | 2011-01-04 09:49:35 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist

     89650 | 2011-01-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-09 00:34:54 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2011-01-09 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-10 00:33:01 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2011-01-01 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-02 00:33:38 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      12.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2011-01-02 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-03 00:33:41 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      10.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2011-01-03 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-04 00:30:46 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.6 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2011-01-04 06:00:00 |     31.2 |     110 | 2011-01-04 09:49:35 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist

     89650 | 2011-01-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-09 00:34:54 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2011-01-09 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-10 00:33:01 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2011-01-10 06:00:00 |      0.7 |     110 | 2011-01-10 10:01:29 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.5 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100,QC2-redist

     92750 | 2011-01-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-09 00:35:06 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_92910,QC2-redist
     92750 | 2011-01-09 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-10 00:33:01 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_92910,QC2-redist
     92750 | 2011-01-10 06:00:00 |      0.1 |     110 | 2011-01-10 07:41:16 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_92910,QC2-redist

     94130 | 2011-01-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-09 00:35:03 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_94170,QC2-redist
     94130 | 2011-01-09 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-10 00:32:54 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_94170,QC2-redist
     94130 | 2011-01-10 06:00:00 |      0.5 |     110 | 2011-01-10 07:27:27 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.5 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_94170,QC2-redist

     94870 | 2011-01-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-09 00:35:06 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_94170,QC2-redist
     94870 | 2011-01-09 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-10 00:33:11 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_94170,QC2-redist
     94870 | 2011-01-10 06:00:00 |        2 |     110 | 2011-01-10 07:00:34 |    302 | 0      |     0 |         2 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_94170,QC2-redist

     96931 | 2011-01-08 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-09 00:35:03 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_96970,QC2-redist
     96931 | 2011-01-09 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-10 00:33:20 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.4 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_96970,QC2-redist
     96931 | 2011-01-10 06:00:00 |      2.2 |     110 | 2011-01-10 07:43:31 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.8 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_96970,QC2-redist

(111 rows)

Second Run In Operations

The results of the first run were reviewed. With no serious problems identified the algorithm was set to run again in operations on 2011.01.25.

The schedule for the algorithm is as follows:

First Observations The 01:20 run picked up many values and redistributed them successfully. The daily runs so far (5 days have elapsed) have detected only a small number of additional runs to redistribute.

Results of long run on 2011.01.25
 stationid |       obstime       | original | paramid |       tbtime        | typeid | sensor | level | corrected |   controlinfo    |     useinfo      |                                                    cfailed                                                    
     17780 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-16 00:30:06 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       2.7 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_18160_19610_4040_3780_26990_20250_17500_17251_4740,QC2-redist
     17780 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-17 00:30:03 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       8.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_18160_19610_4040_3780_26990_20250_17500_17251_4740,QC2-redist
     17780 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |       11 |     110 | 2011-01-17 07:25:36 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_18160_19610_4040_3780_26990_20250_17500_17251_4740,QC2-redist
     25540 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-24 20:22:11 |    402 | 0      |     0 |       7.8 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110b,QC2N_25260_25320_25100_54600,QC2-redist
     25540 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-24 20:22:11 |    402 | 0      |     0 |      14.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110b,QC2N_25260_25320_25100_54600,QC2-redist
     25540 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |     23.6 |     110 | 2011-01-24 20:22:11 |    402 | 0      |     0 |       0.9 | 0110004000007000 | 5336900000000000 | QC1-7-110b,QC2N_25260_25320_25100_54600,QC2-redist
     45350 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-16 00:31:00 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       9.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_45600_44760_42810_42520_44520_44800,QC2-redist
     45350 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-17 00:30:22 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      45.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_45600_44760_42810_42520_44520_44800,QC2-redist
     45350 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |     72.6 |     110 | 2011-01-21 12:46:51 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      17.6 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_45600_44760_42810_42520_44520_44800,QC2-redist
     47240 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-16 00:31:12 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       7.8 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_47090_47450_45600,QC2-redist
     47240 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-17 00:30:24 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      18.1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_47090_47450_45600,QC2-redist
     47240 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |     34.5 |     110 | 2011-01-17 06:33:17 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       8.6 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_47450_45600,QC2-redist
     47240 | 2011-01-22 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-23 00:31:38 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       5.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_47090_47450_45600,QC2-redist
     47240 | 2011-01-23 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-24 00:31:34 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       4.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_47090_47450_45600,QC2-redist
     47240 | 2011-01-24 06:00:00 |     11.6 |     110 | 2011-01-24 06:33:17 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.5 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_47090_47450_45600,QC2-redist
     47270 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-24 20:22:14 |    402 | 0      |     0 |       3.3 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110b,QC2N_47090_47450_46850_45600,QC2-redist
     47270 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-24 20:22:14 |    402 | 0      |     0 |      10.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110b,QC2N_47090_47450_46850_45600,QC2-redist
     47270 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |     20.7 |     110 | 2011-01-24 20:22:14 |    402 | 0      |     0 |       7.2 | 0110004000007000 | 5336900000000000 | QC1-7-110b,QC2N_47450_46850_45600,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-16 00:31:44 |    302 | 0      |     0 |         2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_50150_47820_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-17 00:30:30 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      14.8 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_50150_47820_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |     48.5 |     110 | 2011-01-17 11:37:01 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      31.7 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_49070_48500_50150_47820_47890_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2011-01-22 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-23 00:32:06 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       9.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_48500_50150_47820_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2011-01-23 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-24 00:31:25 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       6.8 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_48500_50150_47820_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     48780 | 2011-01-24 06:00:00 |     19.5 |     110 | 2011-01-24 07:25:41 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       2.8 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_49351_49070_48500_50150_47820_47890_48450_46450,QC2-redist
     50450 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-24 20:22:14 |    402 | 0      |     0 |         5 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110b,QC2N_52400_50150,QC2-redist
     50450 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-24 20:22:14 |    402 | 0      |     0 |       9.8 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110b,QC2N_52400_50150,QC2-redist
     50450 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |       32 |     110 | 2011-01-24 20:22:14 |    402 | 0      |     0 |      17.2 | 0110004000007000 | 5336900000000000 | QC1-7-110b,QC2N_52400_50150_48500,QC2-redist
     53730 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-16 00:31:35 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.6 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53700_53130_53160_53180_49631_53070_54600_55550,QC2-redist
     53730 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-17 00:30:33 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       3.6 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53700_53130_53160_53180_49631_53070_54600_55550,QC2-redist
     53730 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |     20.5 |     110 | 2011-01-17 12:26:00 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      16.3 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_53700_53160_53180_49631_53070_54600_55550,QC2-redist
     53730 | 2011-01-23 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-24 00:31:25 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53130_53160_49631_53070,QC2-redist
     53730 | 2011-01-24 06:00:00 |      2.5 |     110 | 2011-01-24 09:05:13 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.3 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_53130_49631,QC2-redist
     53950 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-16 00:32:03 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.8 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC1-7-110,QC2N_53700_25260_54600_53130_49631_53160_53180,QC2-redist
     53950 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-17 00:30:32 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       5.6 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC1-7-110,QC2N_53700_25260_54600_53130_49631_53160_53180,QC2-redist
     53950 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |     21.5 |     110 | 2011-01-17 12:49:07 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      14.1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_53700_25260_54600_49631_53160_53180,QC2-redist
     53950 | 2011-01-23 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-24 00:31:50 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       3.4 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53130_49631_53160,QC2-redist
     53950 | 2011-01-24 06:00:00 |      7.2 |     110 | 2011-01-24 09:05:12 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.5 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_25260_53130_49631,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-16 00:32:03 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.5 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_53700_55550_25100_53130_25260,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-17 00:30:31 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_53700_55550_25100_53130_25260,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-18 00:30:20 |    302 | 0      |     0 |         2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_53700_55550_25100_25260,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-18 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-19 00:31:02 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_54780_53950_53730_53700_55550_25100_25260,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-19 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-20 00:30:45 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_54780_53950_53730_25100_25260,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-20 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-21 00:30:40 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_54780_53950_53730_25100_53130_25260,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-21 06:00:00 |      5.7 |     110 | 2011-01-21 09:42:59 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_54780_53950_53730_55550_25100_53130,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-25 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-26 00:30:20 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       4.5 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54780_53950_53730_55550_25100_53130,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-26 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-27 00:31:54 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54780_53950_53730_53700_55550_25100_53130,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-27 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-28 00:30:42 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54780_53950_53730_55550_25100_53130_25260,QC2-redist
     54320 | 2011-01-28 06:00:00 |      4.5 |     110 | 2011-01-28 09:20:46 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_54780_53950_53730_25100_53130,QC2-redist

     54420 | 2011-01-12 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-13 00:30:39 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.7 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_25100_23720_53950_54780_25260_53730_25320_23560_53700,QC2-redist
     54420 | 2011-01-13 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-14 00:30:48 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_25100_23720_53950_54780_25260_53730_25320_23560_53700,QC2-redist
     54420 | 2011-01-14 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-15 00:30:51 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.4 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_25100_23720_53950_54780_25260_53730_25320_23560,QC2-redist
     54420 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-16 00:32:03 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.7 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_25100_25260_25320_53700,QC2-redist
     54420 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-17 00:30:37 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.8 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_25100_25260_25320_53700,QC2-redist
     54420 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-18 00:30:26 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.5 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_25100_25260_25320_53700,QC2-redist
     54420 | 2011-01-18 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-19 00:30:54 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_25100_53950_54780_25260_53730_25320_53700,QC2-redist
     54420 | 2011-01-19 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-20 00:31:06 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_25100_53950_54780_25260_53730_25320,QC2-redist
     54420 | 2011-01-20 06:00:00 |        7 |     110 | 2011-01-20 12:40:45 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_25100_53950_54780_25260_53730_25320,QC2-redist
     54780 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-16 00:31:53 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_55550_55730,QC2-redist
     54780 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-17 00:30:37 |    302 | 0      |     0 |         7 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_55550_55730,QC2-redist
     54780 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |       14 |     110 | 2011-01-17 09:01:53 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       6.1 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_54600_55550_55730,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-16 00:32:29 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       3.4 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_55730_53130_53160_55550_57390_52220_57480_53180_52170_53700,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-17 00:30:37 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      14.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_55730_53130_53160_55550_57390_52220_57480_53180_52170_53700,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |     46.8 |     110 | 2011-01-18 10:56:28 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      28.5 | 0110004000007000 | 5336900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_56960_55730_53160_55550_57390_52220_57480_53180_52170_53700,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2011-01-22 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-23 00:32:16 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       2.1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_53130_53160_55550_57390_52220_57480_52170,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2011-01-23 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-24 00:32:08 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_53070_56850_52990_53130_53160_57390_52220_57480_52170,QC2-redist
     55930 | 2011-01-24 06:00:00 |      5.8 |     110 | 2011-01-24 07:18:00 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.8 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_56850_52990_56960_53130_57390_52220_57480_52170,QC2-redist
     64320 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-16 00:32:12 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_62900_62700,QC2-redist
     64320 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-17 00:30:41 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.3 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_62900_62700,QC2-redist
     64320 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |      4.5 |     110 | 2011-01-17 06:10:50 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       4.2 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_62900_62700,QC2-redist
     64320 | 2011-01-22 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-23 00:32:33 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       7.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_62900,QC2-redist
     64320 | 2011-01-23 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-24 00:31:58 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       4.2 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_62900,QC2-redist
     64320 | 2011-01-24 06:00:00 |     16.6 |     110 | 2011-01-24 06:11:06 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       4.5 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_62900,QC2-redist
     85440 | 2011-01-18 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-19 00:31:48 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      21.6 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_85540_83300,QC2-redist
     85440 | 2011-01-19 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-20 00:31:45 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      18.1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_85180_85540_83300,QC2-redist
     85440 | 2011-01-20 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-21 00:31:00 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      13.6 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_85180_85540_83300,QC2-redist
     85440 | 2011-01-21 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-22 00:30:58 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      19.8 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_85540_83300,QC2-redist
     85440 | 2011-01-22 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-23 00:33:25 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      23.5 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_83300,QC2-redist
     85440 | 2011-01-23 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-24 00:32:39 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       9.8 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_85180_83300,QC2-redist
     85440 | 2011-01-24 06:00:00 |    141.6 |     110 | 2011-01-24 13:38:26 |    302 | 0      |     0 |      35.3 | 0440004000007000 | 5336900000000002 | QC1-1-110,QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_83300,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2011-01-15 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-16 00:33:23 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100_89500,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2011-01-16 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-17 00:30:54 |    302 | 0      |     0 |        -1 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100_89500,QC2-redist
     89650 | 2011-01-17 06:00:00 |      0.7 |     110 | 2011-01-17 07:46:35 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       0.7 | 0140004000007000 | 5336900000000001 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_88100_89500,QC2-redist
     92750 | 2011-01-22 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-23 00:33:44 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       1.9 | 0000001000007000 | 5896900000000000 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_92910,QC2-redist
     92750 | 2011-01-23 06:00:00 |   -32767 |     110 | 2011-01-24 00:33:04 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       4.5 | 0000001000007001 | 3896900000000020 | QC1-7-110,QC2N_92910,QC2-redist,hqc
     92750 | 2011-01-24 06:00:00 |     14.2 |     110 | 2011-01-24 06:44:20 |    302 | 0      |     0 |       7.8 | 0140004000007001 | 3306000000000021 | QC1-2-72.b12,QC1-7-110,QC2N_92910,QC2-redist,hqc
(83 rows)