
Acceptance Test for single point missing temperature values with TAN, TAX method

Step Direction Expected Result Pass/Fail Criteria or Comment
001 Prepare test data in the test database.
Download Test Data and gunzip.
$ psql kvalobs
DELETE FROM data WHERE obstime BETWEEN '2024-02-28' AND '2024-04-01';
COPY data FROM '/home/kvalobs/alg004-kvalobsdb.dat' WITH DELIMITER AS '|';
NB specify the actual path to the test data above as required.
Check that the time interval contains no Qc2 processed data:
kvalobs=# select count(*) from data WHERE obstime BETWEEN '2024-02-28' AND '2024-04-01' and cfailed like '%Qc2%'; count=0
002 Download and gunzip alg004.cfg.gz to the /etc/kvalobs/Qc2Config directory and edit RunAtHour and RunAtMinute fields to the time that the test shall be run (e.g. a few minutes UTC in the future).
The configuration by default has W_fhqc=0 and Wbool=true. The algorithm will only work on data that ha not been controlled by HQC

The configuration file also needs to be edited to include further flag controls ( → ) and include this:

#Flag to set if value is corrected
003 Check log files to verify that the algorithm runs as scheduled, e.g. $ tail -f /var/log/Kvalobs/Qc2.log
004 Check that Qc2 processed data now resides in the database:
kvalobs=# select count(*) from data WHERE obstime BETWEEN '2024-02-28' AND '2024-04-01' and cfailed like '%Qc2%'; count=55
005 Delete any existing data output (rm ALG004-Step5.dat) and then EXTRACT THE DATA: DATA-S5
psql> select * from data WHERE obstime BETWEEN '2024-02-28' AND '2024-04-01' and cfailed like '%Qc2%'  \g | cat >> ./ALG004-Step5.dat;
006 Plot the data. Download and use the two scripts ./unit_t_plot.bash and unitt.r.gz
Make the bash file executable:
chmod u+x unit_t_plot.bash
Run the script
./unit_t_plot.bash ALG004-Step5.dat
and inspect the produced image ALG004-Step5.dat.jpg file.

Alternative to step 006 for use on dev-vm101

These files are already installed under /home/kvalobs.

As user kvalobs:

$ cd
$ ./unit_t_plot_manual.bash ALG004-Step5.dat
The data file ALG004-Step5.dat.XY.dat has been created ...
Now run the following commands in R:
UTD <- read.table(FileName, header=TRUE)
plot(UTD[,1],UTD[,2],ylim=c(-20,20),xlim=c(-20,20),xlab='Qc2 Algorithm/mm',ylab='Existing Correction/mm', main='200803 Hourly Temperature', sub='Missing Value Correction',col=4)

i.e. … enter R:

$ R
> FileName="ALG004-Step5.dat.XY.dat"
> UTD <- read.table(FileName, header=TRUE)
> pdf()
> plot(UTD[,1],UTD[,2],ylim=c(-20,20),xlim=c(-20,20),xlab='Qc2 Algorithm/mm',ylab='Existing Correction/mm', main='200803 Hourly Temperature', sub='Missing Value Correction',col=4)
> lines(c(-20,20),c(-20,20),col=3)
> lines(c(-30,30),c(0,0))
> lines(c(0,0),c(-30,30))
> lines(c(-30,30),c(-30,30),col=3)
> quit()

The above creates the file Rplots.pdf:

$ xpdf Rplots.pdf 

NB if you have logged in using ssh -X kvalobs@dev-vm101 then the above will probably work!

007 Edit the configuration file and set Wbool=false. Rerun the algorithm. The algorithm will reprocess the data flagged as controlled by HQC already.
kvalobs=# select count(*) from data WHERE obstime BETWEEN '2024-02-28' AND '2024-04-01' and cfailed like '%Qc2%'; count=121
Capture the results. (rm ALG004-Step7.dat any previous test results) DATA-S7
psql> select * from data WHERE obstime BETWEEN '2024-02-28' AND '2024-04-01' and cfailed like '%Qc2%'  \g | cat >> ./ALG004-Step7.dat;
008 Plot results as in step 006 above.


Set up the test data (these are prepatory notes for now for set up on pak)

Test Data comprising original data from 2008-03 with all the years set to 2024, the file only contains the parameters for the algorithm.

Configuration File

Setting-up or refreshing the database. (some database management may be required to stop page errors and the like ????, vacuum cleaning etc ???)

Script for plotting the test results. See the Step # above: unit_t_plot.bash.gz

… and not to forget the corresponding R-script called by the shell script: unitt.r.gz