Table of Contents

Redistribution of 24 hour precipitation

RR_24 is the precipitation collected over the last 24 hours. The Qc1 check precipcollected_flag identifies if an RR_24 value is valid (fd=1), erroneous (fd=3) or is the accumulation (fd=2) of a number (N) of consecutive 24 hour periods, where N>1. For the case fd=2, the accumulated value shall be distributed over the N 24 hours periods.

For each day the calculated

RR_24= model_value*observed_accumulation/sum_of_model_values

where the model values for the N missing values of RR_24 are calculated by an interpolation from the other stations making measurements at the same time and for which fd=1. At present, the interpolation uses an inverse 2-D squared distance weighting. Other weighting and interpolation techniques might be added later.

The calculated RR_24 updates the corrected value in the kvalobs database.

A warning is given if fmis=0 and original!=-1.

Configuration and Parameters

The standard configuration options detailed in the user guide also apply to Redistribution.

Further configuration options are:

Option Default Description
endpoint_cflags fmis=[04]&fd=2&fhqc=0 specify the flags for accumulation endpoints. Endpoints not matching these flags will not be detected
endpoint_uflags no constraints
missingpoint_cflags fmis=3&fd=2 specify the flags for the missing points before the accumulation
missingpoint_uflags no constraints
neighbor_cflags fd=1 specify requirements for the neighbor stations used for the interpolations. Neighbor stations that do not match these flags will be ignored.
neighbor_uflags U2=0
warn_and_stop_cflags fhqc=)0( define for which flags for the accumulation point or the missing points before the accumulation the only action should be to print a warning and stop
warn_and_stop_uflags no constraints
update_flagchange fd=7;fmis=3->fmis=1 flags to change for the accumulation endpoint and the missing points
ParamId selects the parameter ids to use. The only value tested here is 110 (RR_24).
tids accepted typeids
measurement_hour 6 specifies the hour at which the data are expected. Series containing data with other times will be rejected with a warning.
min_neighbors 1 specifies the minimum number of neighbor stations with good data
max_neighbors 5 specifies the maximum number of neighbor stations to use
InterpolationDistance 100 radius in km inside which to search neighbor stations
warning_distance_closest_neighbor 50 minimum neighbor distance to print an INFO message about not so good neighbors
days_before_no_neighbor_warning 14 specifies the number of days after which a WARN is written to the logfile if there are not enough neighbor data
days_before_redistributing_zeroes_warning 14 specifies the number of days after which a WARN is written to the logfile if a non-dry accumulation has only dry neighbors


This algorithm has only been tested for paramid 110.

Log Messages

There might be many different WARN messages in the log file /var/log/kvalobs/kvqc2d.log from this algorithm. These messages are (as of version 1.3.14pre3):