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QC2h-1: Plumatic Controls

See also the Plumatic documentation in the source code repository.


The algorithm first checks prioritet 2, 3, and 4 from the specification and applies the correpsonding flag modifications. After that, the sliding aggregation check is performed, excluding any periods with data matching discarded_*flags.


Beyond the standard configuration options detailed in the user guide, the following options are available for Plumatic.

Option Default Description
highsingle_flagchange fs=8,fmis=2 flags to set if a “high single” is detected (prioritet 2 in the specification)
highstart_flagchange fs=8,fmis=2 flags to set if a “high start” is detected (prioritet 3 in the specification)
interruptedrain_flagchange fs=8,fmis=2 flags to set if a “rain interruption” is detected (prioritet 4 in the specification)
aggregation_flagchange fr=9 flags to set if a sliding aggregation exceeds a threshold (prioritet 1 in the specification)
discarded_cflags fr=9|fs=8|fmis=2 specify which rows shall be regarded as “bad” and excluded from further tests
discarded_uflags no constraint
stations resolutions and station ids, see below
sliding_alarms periods (in minutes) and precipitation thresholds for sliding aggregation test, see below

Option stations

This parameter contains a resolution in mm-per-tipping, and a list of stations. Example:

stations = 0.1:3015,3019,3030;0.2:200,1220,2840,3030,3190,3290,3810

This list should not be written manually, but using the script which extracts the station list from stinfosys. This script uses stinfosys to determine which sensors deliver RR_01 and which resolution these sensors have. Therefore it is important to register the sensors in stinfosys. The script uses a SQL query similar to this one:

SELECT si.stationid, em.description FROM sensor_info AS si, equipment AS eq, equipmentmodel AS em 
    WHERE em.description LIKE '%unit_resolution=mm per vipp%' 
    AND paramid = 105
    AND em.modelname = eq.modelname AND si.equipmentid = eq.equipmentid
    AND ((si.totime IS NULL AND si.fromtime <= now())
        OR (si.totime IS NOT NULL AND now() BETWEEN si.fromtime AND em.totime))
    ORDER BY si.stationid

Option sliding_alarms

This option describes the duration and threshold for the sliding aggregation tests. The format is like this:

sliding_alarms = 2<8.1;3<11.9;5<16.2;10<25.6;15<27.3;20<34.4;30<42.0;45<49.1;60<54.9;90<56.7;180<60.8;360<83.3;720<144.1;1440<159.7

The durations must be increasing.