Dag Beskrivelse Tid Start Timer/hrs Tidbank Tid
01 Flag testing and new debian build kvqc2_1.0.5 17:00 6 20100901 0800-1400
02 Documentation, Sprint meeting, EUMETGRID and Administration 12:00 3 20100902 1200-1500
03 EUMETGRID teleconference. Documented Qc2 version 1.0.5 16:00 2 20100903 1600-1800
04 - - - -
05 - - - -
06 Appraisal feedback. Qc2 Flag work. 08:00 3 20100906 0800-1100
07 Administration for Oslo trip. Investigated qc2 duplication bugs. Dip-test and Akima work.08:00 3 20100907 0800-1100
08 Avspasering - - -
09 DipCheck and 3D framework algorithm. 18:00 3 20100909 1700-2000
10 Kvalobs Scrum. Analysis of new flag specification (version 3.2 for Single Linear) 10:00 4 20100910 1000-1400
11 - - - -
12 - - - -
13 SingleLinear_version3.2 Recode, Testing and Documentation 08:00 3 20100913 0800-1100
14 SingleLinear_version3.2 Recode, Testing and Documentation 17:00 4 20100914 1600-2000
15 Administration and bookings for met.no and NordKlima 18:00 2 20100915 1800-2000
16 Teleconference. Version32 Single Linear. 16:00 4 20100917 1600-2000
17 New debian package for version3.2 - kvqc2_1.0.6: Deployment and testing on dev-vm101 10:00 5 20100917 1000-1500
18 - - - -
19 - - - -
20 Testing and identification of bugs in kvqc2_1.0.6 10:00 3.5 20100920 1000-1330
21 Correction of bugs and investigation of segmentation faults. 18:00 8 20100921 0800-1600
22 Closure of segmentation fault anomaly. Preparation and deployment of kvqc2_1.0.7 10:00 5 20100922 1000-1500
23 Teleconferences and scrum meeting. Documentation of test cases. 08:00 3 20100923 0800-1100
24 Release testing. 18:00 2 20100924 1800-2000
25 - - - -
26 - - - -
27 Preparation kvqc2-1.0.7 CAB Test report. 08:00 2 20100927 0800-1000
28 Avspasering - - -
29 Testing and review of results on dev-vm101. Administration. 08:00 4 20100929 0800-1200
30 Scrum. Update of kvqc2 user documentation. New algorithm work, 3d container, dip tests.12:00 5 20100930 1200-1700