Dag Beskrivelse Tid Start Timer/hrs Tidbank Tid
01 - - - -
02 F - - -
03 F - - -
04 F - - -
05 F - - -
06 F - - -
07 - - - -
08 - - - -
09 Prepapration of routines to support operations of Qc2. 08:00 3 20100809 0800-1100
10 Review and analysis of Qc2 results post holiday. Restart of last coding and documentation work. 14:00 4 20100810 1400-1800
11 Qc2 schedule plotting prototype development and testing. 08:00 6 20100811 0800-1400
12 Scrum teleconference. Qc2 Documenation. 12:00 5 20100812 1200-1700
13 Testing of algorithm settings and run-time controls, further work on documentation. 10:00 5 20100813 1000-1500
14 - - -
15 - - - -
16 Flag handling analysis and testing.19:00 5 20100816 1500-2000
17 Performance testing and result documentation. 17:00 5 20100817 1500-2000
18 Fix BUG 1287. Update packages on development machine. Further documentation on performance tests. 09:00 5 20100818 0900-1400
19 Administration. Review of new algorithms to be implemented. 18:00 2 20100819 1800-2000
20 Analysis of flag specification. 17:00 2 20100820 1700-1900
21 - - - -
22 - - - -
23 Kvalobs Sprint. Flag analysis. 10:00 4 20100823 1000-1400
24 Testing of flag settings and documentation. 12:00 3 20100824 1200-1500
25 Preparation for appraisal. Work on Dip Check algorithms. 08:00 2 20100825 0800-1000
26 Yearly appraisal. Investigation of automation of flag tests. 09:30 2 2010 0930-1130
27 Updated libraries on development machine. Diptest work. 16:00 5 20100827 1500-2000
28 - - - -
29 - - - -
30 Review of aingle missing point implemenation with respect to updates to the flag spec and new use cases. Administatrtion and planning activities. 12:00 3 20100830 1200-1500
31 Sprint 9 Algorithm development. 16:00 5 -