Dag Beskrivelse Tid Start Timer/hrs Tidbank Tid
01 Validation of time interpolation routines and preparation of figures for ECSN Workshop. 12:00 6 20091103 0800-1400
02 Administration (bi-monthly reporting and ECSN details). ECSN Slide preparation. SpaceCheck and more ECSN preparation. 10:00 6 20091102 1000-1600
03 Travel to ECSN conference. 20:00 4 20091103 1400-1800
04 ECSN Data Management Workshop Copenhagen - 7 hr 45 min 20091104 0800-1545
05 ECSN Data Management Workshop Copenhagen - 7 hr 45 min 20091105 0800-1545
06 ECSN Data Management Workshop Copenhagen - 7 hr 45 min 20091106 0800-1545
07 - - - -
08 - - - -
09 ECSN follow up emails. Space Check work. 16:00 4 20091109 1600-2000
10 Space check algorithm work. 08:00 4 20091110 0800-1200
11 Trouble-shooting of cron jobs on dev-vm116 and test environment work. 16:00 2 20091111 1600-1800
12 Attendance at an interoperability conference covering GEOSS, INSPIRE, etc … 15:00 4 20091112 1500-1900
13 Attendance at an interoperability conference covering GEOSS, INSPIRE, etc … 15:00 4 20091113 1500-1900
14 - - - -
15 - - - -
16 Analysis of flags setting for ProcessUnit T algorithm. 06:00 3 20091116 1000-1300
17 Teleconference and some documentation work. 16:00 3 20091117 1600-1900
18 Documentation of control flag settings. Check of dev-vm116 12:00 3 20091118 1200-1500
19 Administration for 2010. Preparation of test data. 15:00 3 20091119 1500-1800
21 - - - -
22 - - - -
23 Space check algorithms 12:00 6 20091123 1200-1800
24 Analysis of Qc2 time interpolation flags and write up of notes and documentation. 12:00 4 20091124 1200-1600
25 Restarted and checked dev-vm116 after development 3 maintenance. Provided some support on interfacing C++ and FORTRAN to FOU. Research into INSPIRE. 22:00 3 20091125 1700-2000
26 Followed up Qc2 flag discussion with kvalobs-drift. Administration. 12:00 3 20091126 1200-1500
27 General algorithm work and testing (SpaceCheck, Time Interpolation). 20:00 5 20091127 0800-1300
28 - - - -
29 - - - -