Dag Beskrivelse Tid Start Timer/hrs Tidbank Tid
01 Adaptive scheduling for the Qc2 algorithms. 21:00 4 20091001 0800-1200
02 - - - -
03 Development and testing of Qc2 Flag handling. 09:00 4 20091002 0900-1300
04 Experiments with control flags. Modification and checks on dev-vm116 test environement. 20:00 4 20091008 1000-1400
05 Controls to ensure that algorithms only act once on the same data. 22:00 3 20091005 0800-1100
06 Application of controlflag handling to single point interpolation checks. Teleconference. 15:00 3 20091006 1500-1800
07 Testing and debugging of control flag handling 18:00 4 20091007 1000-1400
08 - - - -
09 Documentation. Upgrade and testing on dev-vm116 of redistribution and unit time series algorithms. 14:00 5 20091009 1400-1900
10 Code tidy up and homogenisation work on flag handling. 14:00 5 20091016 1400-1900
11 - - - -
12 Discussion on svn configuration. Testing activities on dev-vm116. Began developement of new space check algorithms. 16:00 4 20091012 1600-2000
13 Teleconferebce on virtual machine memory usage and configuration a.o. matters. Continued work on Space Check. 17:00 4 20091013 0800-1200
14 Added doxygen documenation to source code. More work with SpaceCheck. 08:00 3 20091014 0800-1100
15 Preliminary preparation for ECSN talk. 15:00 3 20091015 1500-1800
16 - - - -
17 ECSN Preparation. Spacecheck algorithm work. 18:00 4 20091019 0800-1200
18 - - - -
19 - - - -
20 Coordination of SMHI svn migration. Kvalobs teleconference. Review of web toolkit technologies.16:00 4 20091020 1000-1400
21 ECSN prepapration. Maintenance of test machine. 08:00 3 20091021 0800-1100
22 Analysis of useinfo flags with respect to identifying statistics for Qc2 validation of Qc1. Qc1 vs Qc2 race condition testing on dev-vm116. 17:00 5 20091022 1400-1900
23 Further work on Space checks. Preparation of test data for cases where Qc1 produced false poor quality results 21:00 5 20091023 0900-1400
24 - - - -
25 - - - -
26 Testing of time interpolation on dev-vm116. Generation of new test data. 16:00 2 20091026 1600-1800
27 Teleconference. Update and configuration of doxgen documentation. Test of the new svn access control. Familiarisation with Qc2 system logging and inclusion of more notifications. 17:00 4 20091027 1600-2000
28 ECSN slide preparation. Administration and various emails. 16:00 4 20091028 0800-1200
29 ECSN preparation. 20:00 4 20091029 1200-1600
30 Trouble shooting and checking of implemented algorithms. Confirmation of results for ECSN workshop. 16:00 5 20091030 0900-1400
31 Analysis of the time variation of the performance of spatial interpolation methods. Preparation of figures for ECSN. Added time information to netcdf output. Fixed some algorithm bugs. 10:00 8 20091026 0800-1600