Dag Beskrivelse Tid Start Timer/hrs Tidbank Tid
01 Teleconference on virtualisation. Various administrative chores. 17:00 3 20090401 1600-1900
02 General Qc2 development. 14:00 4 20090402 1400-1800
03 - - - -
04 Review of desktop after upgrade to ubuntu. 08:00 3 20090403 1200-1500
Preliminary check of build changes for kvalobs with ubuntu. - - -
05 General Qc2 Development. 10:00 6 20090406 1200-1800
06 Provided input to a GEOSS publication as a met.no author. 21:00 3 20090407 1200-1500
07 Retrieval of historic data from histklm server for time interpolation tests. 17:00 4 20090408 0800-1200
Investigation of network problems with ubuntu and opened corresponding help desk call. - - -
08 Arbeids administration and network installation.12:00 4 20090408 1200-1600
09 - - - -
10 - - - -
11 - - - -
12 - - - -
13 - - - -
14 Trouble shooting network installation, interaction with svn server and linux vpn. Qc2 tests. 10:00 3 20090414 1000-1400
15 General Qc2 work. 19:00 4 20090415 1500-1900
16 Time series interpolation work. 18:00 4 20090416 0800-1200
17 Time series interpolation. 12:00 4 20090417 1200-1600
18 - - - -
19 - - - -
20 1.Optimum selection of time series and nearest neighbours for processing. 20:00 3 20090420 0800-1100
21 2.Optimum selection of time series and nearest neighbours for processing. 10:00 3 20090421 0800-1100
22 Teleconference, more work on time and space combined methods. 10:00 3 20090422 1500-1800
23 General coding and bug trouble shooting 14:00 6 20090423 1000-1600
24 - - - -
25 Analysis and more bug repair. 12:00 6 20090424 1200-1800
26 Work on 4D interpolation. Data selection. 10:00 8 20090420 1100-1500
20090421 1100-1500
27 Evaluation of Akima algorithms. 12:00 3 20090427 1200-1500
28 Comparison of Akima and spatial interpolation. 16:00 4 20090428 1000-1400
29 Weekly teleconference. Attendance to email correspondence. Further work on use on TAN and TAX in time interpolation.17:00 4 20090429 0800-1200
30 Preparation for met.no meetings in Week 19. 11:00 7 20090430 1100-1800