Workshop Description
There are three broad areas in which Qc2 (and Qc2 work) can be divided:
System and Software design,
Theory, development and testing of Qc2 algorithms,
Operational aspects of defining, running and interacting with Qc2 controls and checks, (includes the specification of new flag values and how we handle these changes!)
The workshop will focus mainly on point NUMBER 3 of the above aspects.
Workshop Minutes
The workshop took place at [09:30 - 11:30] with SMHI attending by telephone link.
Meeting Slides
The main results and actions arising from the workshop:
Defined categories of QC2-checks in Kvalobs system documentation are QC2-d (daily) and QC2-m (monthly). It is important to describe the events calling for QC2-actions. This may be data retrieval events, data quality events, user require data events and so on.