Table of Contents

EURODELTA-CARB, EMEP/CAMS model experiment







Main motivation: improve the modelling of Black Carbon (Tagged Elemental Carbon), SOA (Condensables), and BaP

Take stock of (i) Developments in emission inventories (LRTAP BC, condensables) and (ii) Winter 2017/2018 field campaign (EMEP/ACTRIS/COLOSSAL)

Modelling experiment

Assess the impact of a more consistent emission inventory for wood burning

A: CAMS-REG-AP_v2.2.1_2015_REF1: EMEP National Totals + TNO Spatialisation

B: CAMS-REG-AP_v2.2.1_2015_REF2: Same as A but including Condensable for Small Combustion in primary PM (independently from EMEP national totals)

Compare with the EMEP reference inventory (main difference compared to A regards spatialisation proxies)

C: EMEP 0.1 official country inventories

Test the LRTAP Black Carbon inventory (only available for 2017)

D: Same as C + BC modelling

Test the LRTAP BaP inventory

E: Same as C + BaP

Note: C/D/E can be part of the same model run

Technical Specifications

all input/output data are on, contact for login details

Model Setup

Model Outputs

Surface only

Species: (grib codes in brackets for models using grib format, when available)

Time line