Table of Contents

Action lists

RC = Regional Coordinator

RDC = River Data Catalog

RSL = River Station List

Subtask S2.5.1

No. Action Responsible Date Due Status
1 Create & distribute regional ECOOP River Data Catalogs (RDC) V0 30.09.07 Closed
2 Find a “partner” to liaise with MOON / MED-GOOS 15.10.07 Open
3 Contact GRDC about data available (NRT and archive) and avenues for collaboration 15.10.07 Open
4 Identify and confirm national contact points in each region. RC's 31.10.07 Closed
5 Formulate and send request for relevant information to national contact points RC's 31.10.07 Closed
5a Formulate and send request for relevant information to national contact points: NOOS, MED RIKZ, 31.03.07 Open
6 Criteria for selecting stations for the optimal list and the initial NRT list 30.11.07 Closed
7 Follow up requests to nat. contacts; contact nat. data providers directly as needed RC's 15.11.07 Closed
7a Follow up requests to nat. contacts: NOOS, MED RIKZ, 30.04.08 Open
8 Revise regional RDC V0 based on info from nat. contacts (draft ECOOP RDC V1) RC's 20.12.07 Closed
8a Revise regional RDC V0 based on info from nat. contacts: NOOS, MED RIKZ, 30.04.08 Open
9 Draft River Station Lists (RSLs) V0.2, collated from regional RDC's 20.12.07 Closed
10 Check RDC V1 entries for consistency and completeness AZTI,SMHI,MHI 29.02.08 Open
11 Investigate WISE as source of information / data 29.02.08 Open
12 Build regional ECOOP RSLs V0.5 from draft V0.2 and RDCs RC's 29.02.08 Open
13 Verify RDCs V1 with nat. contacts RC's 31.03.08 Open
14 Verify draft RSL V0.5 with nat. contacts RC's 31.03.08 Open
15 Regional ECOOP RDCs V1, final RC's 31.05.08 Open
16 D2.5.1.1 Regional ECOOP RDCs V1 (final) 31.05.08 Open
17 Regional ECOOP RSLs V1, final RC's 31.05.08 Open
18 V1 list of initial NRT river stations for use in the EDMS RC's 31.03.08 Open
19 D2.5.2.1 Regional ECOOP RSLs V1 (final) 31.08.08 Open

Subtask S2.5.2

No. Action Responsible Date Due Status
1 Propose candidate data formats BSH 31.03.08 Closed
2 Obtain recommended procedures for providing data to EDMS BSH 15.04.08 Closed
3 Finalize data format 15.04.08 Closed
4 ftp boxes (1 per region) established RC's 30.04.08 Open
5 Test initial feed of NRT data from providers to ftp boxes RC's 30.06.08 Open
6 Draft D2.5.2.2 Report on interfacing river runoff data to the EDMS offered for comment 30.05.08 Open
7 Verify access from EDMS to ftp boxes 30.05.08 Open
8 D2.5.2.2 Final 31.07.08 Open
9 Draft D2.2.4.2 appendix on river data formatting ready 30.11.08 Closed

Subtask S2.5.3

No. Action Responsible Date Due Status
1 ………. NN ?? Open
X D2.5.3.1 Description and assessment of the ECOOP river runoff data provision 31.01.10 Open