====== NF2006to2008r164 ====== ===== Model-run description for a simulation with CAM4-Oslo (NorESM1-M) ===== **Purpose of simulation:** Model validation for Arctic PD conditions **Contact person:** Alf Kirkevåg (alf.kirkevag@met.no) **Data owner:** Alf Kirkevåg (alf.kirkevag@met.no) **Revision Number:** r164 **Ensemble runs:** No **Production computer used:** Cray XT in Bergen (hexagon) **Production date:** October 2013 **Storage locations:** NorStore (/norstore_osl/projects/NS2345K/noresm/cases/NF2006to2008r164/) MET Norway (local disk) **Storage space:** 9 Gb at NorStore, 25 Gb at MET Norway **Projects:** EarthClim/ACCESS **Publications:** [[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2013JD021279/full|Glantz et al. (2014)]] **Papers in preparation:** **Simulation name(s):** NF2006to2008r164 **Compset name used:** NF_2006-2008_AER_AMIP_OBS **Model type:** Stand-alone cam (atmosphere) default with prescribed ocn/ice (ocean and sea-ice) **Type of run:** Branch **Simulation period:** 3 years **Spin-up period:** 0 years in the branch run itself, but continued from 1979-2005 **Initialisation:** Data from the end of a 1979-2005 AMIP simulations **Resolution:** f19_f19 = 1.8x2.5 **Emission year(s):** 2006 - 2008 (aerosols and precursors) **Emission inventories** RCP8.5 from IPCC AR5 **Greenhouse gases:** Prescribed concentrations **Frequency for output:** Monthly **Active/changing forcing agents:** In principle, direct and indirect (1. & 2.) effects by anthropogenic SO4, POM and BC, but aerosols were run offline (CAM4-Oslo aerosols do not affect the model meteorology, only prescribed aerosols and CDNC from CAM4 ) **Special considerations:** **Tuning parameters which are changed relative to the host model CAM4:** rhminl: 0.90 lower RH threshold for formation of low stratiform clouds (0.91 in CAM4) critrp: 5.0 mm/day maximum prcipitation rate for suppression of autoconversion of cloud water (0.5 mm/day in CAM4) r3lc: 14 um critical mean droplet volume radius for onset of autoconversion (10 um in CAM4)