====== aerocomA2r128_X ====== ===== Model-run description for the full set of AeroCom A2 simulations with CAM4-Oslo/NorESM1-M ===== Purpose of simulation: Model documentation and validation for PD conditions, participation in AeroCom Phase 2 and IPCC AR5 Contact person: Alf Kirkevåg (alf.kirkevag@met.no) Authors: Trond Iversen, Alf Kirkevåg, Øyvind Seland Storage locations: NorStore (/norstore_osl/projects/NS2345K/noresm/cases/aerocomA2noresm_r128/) MET Norway (/vol/fou/atmos/alfk/aerocomA2ny/aerocom.CAM4-Oslo.AEROCOM_A2.CTRL/) aerocom-users (/metno/aerocom/users/aerocom1/CAM4-Oslo-Vcmip5.A2.CTRL) Storage space: 289 Gb at NorStore, 6 Gb at MET Norway Projects: NorClim/EarthClim and AeroCom Publications: [[http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/6/207/2013/gmd-6-207-2013.html|Kirkevåg et al. (2013)]], [[http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/1853/2013/acp-13-1853-2013.html|Myhre et al. (2013)]], [[http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/2423/2013/acp-13-2423-2013.html|Samset et al. (2013)]], [[http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/14/2399/2014/acp-14-2399-2014.html|Jiao et al. (2014)]], [[http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/14/6027/2014/acpd-14-6027-2014.html|Tsigaridis et al. (2014)]] Simulation name(s): aerocomA2noresm_r128_X, where X = 2006 (AeroCom-A2.CTRL), 1850 (AeroCom-A2.PRE), ZERO (AeroCom-A2.ZERO), 2006preSO4 (with 1850 SO4 emissions), 2006preffBC, 2006preffOC and 2006prebbBCOC Compset name used: NFAEROCOM1850 for X=1850, NFAEROCOM2006 for the other experiments Model type: Stand-alone cam (atmosphere) default with prescribed ocn/ice (ocean and sea-ice) Revision Number: r128 Type of run: Initial Simulation period: 5 years Spin-up period: 2 years Ensemble runs: -- Resolution: f19_g16 = 1.8x2.5 Emission year(s) 2006 (AeroCom-A2.CTRL), 1850 (AeroCom-A2.PRE), no emissions (AeroCom-A2.ZERO). For X = 2006preY all emissions are for year 2006, except for using 1850 emissions for SO2 and SO4 in the Y = SO4 experiment, and similarly (i.e. 1850 emissions) for fossil fuel BC / OC for Y = ffBC / ffOC, and biomass BC and OC for Y = bbBCOC. Emissions: IPCC AR5 for 1850, AeroCom Phase II for 2006, see references in Kirkevåg et al. (2013) Frequency for output atmosphere: Monthly Active/changing forcing agents: Nat / Ant / GHG / SA (=SD+DI), etc., see http://cmip-pcmdi.llnl.gov/cmip5/docs/cmip5_data_reference_Appendix1-2.pdf Tuning parameters which are changed relative to the host model CAM4: rhminl: 0.90 lower RH threshold for formation of low stratiform clouds (0.91 in CAM4) critrp: 5.0 mm/day maximum prcipitation rate for suppression of autoconversion of cloud water (0.5 mm/day in CAM4) r3lc: 14 um critical mean droplet volume radius for onset of autoconversion (10 um in CAM4) Rsnow 500 um grain size of cold old (not new?) snow overlaying sea-ice (250 um in CICE4)