====== QC2-PERF ====== Performance monitoring for Qc2 with interaction with Qc1. ====== Strategy ====== The algorithm "StressTester" ([[https://svn.met.no/viewvc/kvoss/kvQc2/trunk/src/algorithms/StressTester.cc]]) performs analysis on nine months of data, reads from the database, performs spatial interpolations and writes data to the future, while also pushing interpolation output to a netcdf file. The algorithm is run in isolation and then with kvQabased (Qc1 algorithms). The %MEM and %CPU use is monitored. The following images just give screenshots of the performance monitoring tools (simple use of top and also vmstat and ps commands piping out to a file (the file is attached below)). **SUMMARY:** While the system resources are used intensively by both processes, both processes continue to run and perform adequately. Note, the use of Qc2 in this high stress mode is not typical (current thinking at least). This is not a sophisticated analysis of performance but a first look that can be built on if required. The tests were performed on dev-vm116. ====== Observations ====== **Key** {{kvalobs:kvoss:system:qc2:test:key.png?100x50|}} Please click images to enlarge. **Only kvQabased** {{kvalobs:kvoss:system:qc2:test:kvqabased.png?800x300|}} **Only kvqc2** {{kvalobs:kvoss:system:qc2:test:kvqc2.png?800x300|}} **Running together: typical performance** {{kvalobs:kvoss:system:qc2:test:nominal-competition.png?800x300|}} **kvqc2 briefly noses ahead** {{kvalobs:kvoss:system:qc2:test:briefly-kvqc2-dominates.png?800x300|}} **For reference** {{kvalobs:kvoss:system:qc2:test:running-log-statistics.txt.gz|Log File}} Simple script employed: #!/bin/bash Xtime=$(date +%s) Xdate=$(date) Xvm=$(vmstat) vmstat XkvQAB=$(ps aux | grep kvQabased) Xkvqc2=$(ps aux | grep kvqc2) echo $XkvQAB echo $Xkvqc2 while true do CPU=$(ps aux| head -1 | awk '{print $3}') MEM=$(ps aux| head -1 | awk '{print $4}') kvqc2CPU=$(ps aux| grep kvqc2 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $3}') kvqc2MEM=$(ps aux| grep kvqc2 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $4}') QACPU=$(ps aux| grep kvQabased | grep -v grep | awk '{print $3}') QAMEM=$(ps aux| grep kvQabased | grep -v grep | awk '{print $4}') Xtime=$(date +%s) Xdate=$(date) Xvm=$(vmstat | sed 's/[a-z]*//g' | sed 's/-*//g') echo $Xtime $Xdate $Xvm %CPU\/%MEM kvqc2: $kvqc2CPU \/ $kvqc2MEM kvQabased: $QACPU \/ $QAMEM sleep 1 done