=== 201004 === ^Dag ^Beskrivelse ^Tid Start ^Timer/hrs ^Tidbank Tid ^ |01 |- |- |- |- | |02 |- |- |- |- | |03 |Preparation of Qc2 presenatation slides etc.|12:00 |6 |2010-04-12 1000-1600 | |04 |Rebuild of test environment on dev-vm116. Identification and debugging of Qc2/Qc1 race conditions. |11:30 |5 |2010-04-13 1000-1500 | |05 |Dry-run acceptance tests on dev-vm116. Update of documentations. Preparation of meeting slides (April 7) |12:00 |7 |2010-04-16 1200-1900 | |06 |At met.no ... logged in tidbank real-time. |- |- |- | |07 |At met.no ... logged in tidbank real-time. |- |- |- | |08 |At met.no ... logged in tidbank real-time. |- |- |- | |09 |At met.no ... logged in tidbank real-time. |- |- |- | | |Travel time Oslo-MUC|19:00 |3 |2010-04-20 1200-1500 | |10 |- |- |- |- | |11 |- |- |- |- | |12 |Corrections to the setup of the end-to-end flag test. Monitoring and maintenance. |08:00 |2 |2010-04-12 0800-1000 | |13 |Preliminary work on debian package and teleconference with T on the same subject. |15:00 |2 |2010-04-13 1500-1700 | |14 |Test file and other documentation update. Rebuilding code and merging branches after work in met.no. Troubleshooting. Became familiar with agiol tool.|16:00 |4 |2010-04-14 1600-2000 | |15 |Extensive sys admin work to update libraries for installing latest environment on development platform. Fixed logging directory and path for Qc2Config, brought into line with kvPath methodology. Weekly scrum. |12:00 |4 |2010-04-15 1200-1600 | |16 |Updated testfile to remove $KVALOBS use and introduce kvPath for log and configuration directories. Moved test environment to kvQc2 separate source installation. Monitored Qc2-FLG-E2E progress. |08:00 |4 |2010-04-16 0800-1200 | |17 |- |- |- |- | |18 |- |- |- |- | |19 |Completed Qc2-FLG-E2E run. Analysed and posted results. Documentation.|17:00 |3 |2010-04-19 1700-2000 | |20 |Work on debian package for kvQc2. Investigation of performance tests. |08:00 |4 |2010-04-20 0800-1200| |21 |Tested multiple flag settings in the configuration file and impact on running algorithms. Project admin tasks. |12:00 |3 |2010-04-21 1200-1500 | |22 |Installed debian support tools. Weekly scrum. Building debian package, step by step from the documentation... |13:00 |4 |2010-04-22 1300-1700 | |23 | ...Continuation of debian work. |16:00 |6 |2010-04-23 1200-1800 | |24 |- |- |- |- | |25 |- |- |- |- | |26 |Investigated changes to Qc2 ControlFlag handling to support new flag changes required. Developed approach for conditional flag settings. |08:00 |2 |2010-04-26 0800-1000 | |27 |Constructed debian source files and edited contents, worked on debian builds. Teleconference.|16:00 |3 |2010-04-27 1600-1900 | |28 |Added StressTest system to the kvQc2 code. |16:00 |4 |2010-04-29 1600-2000 | |29 |Performed stress tests with Qc2 and researched methods to measure performance in eventual acceptance test. |12:00 |3 |2010-04-30 1200-1500 | |30 |Trouble shooting debian package dependencies. Documentation analysis. Various builds. |16:00 |5 |2010-04-30 1500-2000 |