====== 200908 ====== ^Dag ^Beskrivelse ^Tid Start ^Timer/hrs ^Tidbank Tid ^ |01 |- |- |- |- | |02 |- |- |- |- | |03 |Analysis of wsKlima and related services for inclusion in GEOSS |20:00 |4 |20090803 1200-1600 | |04 |Algorithm documentation, update of old dokit pages. Further debugging of time series interpolation routines. |18:00 |5 |20090804 1500-2000 | |05 |Improvements to the handling of controlflag settings for filtering data and selecting corrected values to write back to the kvalobsdb. Corresponding testing. |06:00 |3 |20090805 0800-1100 | |06 |Building and testing a Ubuntu Hardy virtual machine (& documentation). [dev-vm174] |21:00 |3 |20090806 1000-1300 | |07 |Construction of kvalobs database and distribution on [dev-vm174]: TEST ENVIRONMENT |16:00 |4 |20090807 1600-2000 | |08 |- |- |- |- | |09 |- |- |- |- | |10 |Continued trouble shooting and building of kvalobs on ubuntu virtual machine. |14:00 |4 |20090810 1200-1600 | |11 |Study of literature on spatial analysis techniques: point pattern and quantitative data analysis. |15:00 |3 |20090811 0800-1100 | |12 |Algorithm work on passing back results to the kvalobs db from time interpolation routines. |17:00 |4 |20090812 1600-2000 | |13 |Preparation of report on how to register wsKlima in generic system of systems. |16:00 |2 |20090813 1600-1800 | |14 |Administration |08:00 |1 |20090814 0800-0900 | |15 |- |- |- |- | |16 |- |- |- |- | |17 |Qc2 homogeneity testing function development. |16:00 |4 |20090817 1600-2000 | |18 |Time series Qc2 Work. Teleconference on ubuntu test environement. |18:00 |3 |20090818 1500-1800 | |19 |General testing and debugging (GSL interfaces). |12:00 |3 |20090819 1200-1500 | |20 |Administration and preparation for met.no visit.|12:00 |3 |20090820 1200-1600 | |21 |AVSPASERING |- |- |- | |22 |- |- |- |- | |23 |- |- |- |- | |24 |At met.no: Time boooked in real-tidbank-time. |- |06:23 |- | |25 |At met.no: Time boooked in real-tidbank-time. |- |09:13 |- | |26 |At met.no: Time boooked in real-tidbank-time. |- |08:32 |- | |27 |At met.no: Time boooked in real-tidbank-time. |- |07:05 |- | |28 |AVSPASERING |- |- |- | |29 |- |- |- |- | |30 |- |- |- |- | |31 |At met.no: Time boooked in real-tidbank-time. |- |03:43 |- |