Usage: [--outfile ] [--tablepath ] [--verbose n] [--help] Options: --outfile Will print to instead of STDOUT --tablepath Set path to BUFR tables (overrides $ENV{BUFR_TABLES}) --verbose n Set verbose level to n, 0<=n<=3 (default 0). n>=1: prints which BUFR messages were actually altered, and which messages were removed because unexpanded descriptors did not start with 309052 n>=2: prints which pressure levels were merged, and which levels were removed due to missing pressure n=3: prints which subset, message number and ahl (if exists) is currently processed Verbose output is sent to STDOUT, so ought to be combined with option --outfile --help Display Usage and explain the options used. Almost the same as consulting perldoc Options may be abbreviated, e.g. "--h" or "-h" for "--help". To avoid having to use the "--tablepath" option, you are adviced to set the environment variable BUFR_TABLES to the directory where your BUFR tables are located (unless the default path provided by works for you).