Using transform file transform1: FF = sprintf("%.1f", $x*1.9438) NN = int($x*12.5 + .5) and then executing on the same BUFR SYNOP file as in the previous example and with the same options except with **%%--transform transform1%%** added, produced this output: wmonr,FF,NN 01278,0.0,88 94120,14.0,13 94132,0.0,13 94150,11.1,63 94238,6.0,88 94326,11.1,100 94327,8.9,100 94462,15.9,13 95322,11.1,100 ... For ease of comparing, this was the previous output: wmonr,FF,NN 01278,0.0,7 94120,7.2,1 94132,0.0,1 94150,5.7,5 94238,3.1,7 94326,5.7,8 94327,4.6,8 94462,8.2,1 95322,5.7,8 ...